Innovation in crop protection? Workshop on productivity and growth in European agriculture September 2013
ECPA represents the innovative R&D driven crop protection industry in Europe We advocate EU policies and legislation that uphold a science and risk-based approach that foster innovation… But what is happening to innovation in Europe…? Introduction
Plant protection: Cost of innovation
Plant protection: Trend in market introduction…
(41 ASs)(40 ASs) (12 ASs) Crop protection: Innovation and market introduction
Plant protection: Focus of innovation
US$ million Innovation – EU focus? While global R&D spending increases, the European focus is decreasing - 15% in 10 years - 30% in real terms!
Substantial hurdles in authorisation process –Which do not stimulate innovation! New barriers in current Regulatory framework (e.g. endocrine disruptors, bee risk assessment) Do we really want to drive out innovation? –What do the European agricultural policy makers really want to see? What does this mean
The bigger the hurdles… “Six global corporations control 75% of private-sector plant breeding research” Maybe we should understand how/why this has occurred?
Looking at productivity and land use
Looking at self sufficiency… EnergyProteinFat Innovation and EU agricultural productivity ©
European self-sufficiency The real picture Counting the days… ©
28m ha EU UAA 170 million hectares ‘Land imports’ 28m ha EU Non-UAA 267 million hectares EU UAA 170 million hectares EU land in perspective… ©
Concluding remarks Jobs in Europe are key –In agriculture –In innovation Look at resource efficiency holistically –Use of land & water –Biodiversity protection Maintain European agricultural productivity –Production outside EU is not “Green growth”
Thank you!
European self-sufficiency Counting the days…