OpenUp! General Overview
OpenUp! – What it aims at: Because access to multimedia resources from natural history collections in Europe is limited or impossible, especially for the public, OpenUp! mobilizes a large variety of multimedia resources from some of the most outstanding natural history museums and botanical gardens in Europe and opens them to a wider audience via the European digital library Europeana. © Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem; National Museum Prague; Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin.
OpenUp! – What it does: OpenUp! stands for Opening Up the Natural History Heritage for Europeana It implements a sustainable pipeline from natural history collections to Europeana (and potentially to other portals using the Europeana standards). The connection is accomplished using well established BioCASe and GBIF technologies. This is complemented with a system for – data quality control, – data transformation, – and semantic enrichment, including the common names of species in various languages to support data providers publishing their data and the public browsing through Europeana.
Its lean infrastructure is sustainable within the natural history community and will remain functional and effective in the post-project phase. With this approach, OpenUp! will provide at least 1.1 million multimedia objects from the natural history to Europeana by OpenUp! – What it will achieve:
Who is part of OpenUp! ? 23 institutions/organizations from 12 European countries
Where do I get more information? The OpenUp! Helpdesk: offers an extensive list of helpful documentations from OpenUp! and related projects and initiatives. the Helpdesk forum is open for any comments.
OpenUp! Content
Story of butterfly specimen Papilio machaon Linnaeus, 1758 Old World Swallowtail
Specimen of Papilio machaon in collection. Publishing the specimen on Europeana portal via OpenUp! Specimen published on Europeana portal Content provider collection website. Detailed information Digitalization and metadata creation
OpenUp! and IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) The new Europeana Licensing Framework came into effect on 10 September OpenUp! enables content providers to restrict the amount of textual metadata (the descriptive data of each multimedia object) that must be provided to Europeana under the terms of the Creative Commons Zero Public Domain Dedication (CC0 waiver), i.e., free from any restrictions on re-use. In OpenUp!, all other metadata is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-SA license (Attribution (BY,) ShareAlike (SA)). All other content, such as previews, soundbits, and the content referenced by URI (web addresses) in the metadata do not fall under the CC0 waiver and remain completely under the control of the content provider.
Metadata: CC zero (public domain and free of restrictions) Europeana and IPR Previews: Creative Commons (CC) licences (chosen by the data provider)
OpenUp! Technical
OpenUp! – Architecture Harvest Harvester Collection Database Data Quality Toolkit BioCASE Monitor Feedback on data quality Checking the completness and compliance of the mapping with Europeana Data model Content provider side with OpenUp! support OpenUp! Metadatadatabase Harvester (HIT) Europeana Natural History Aggregator + Metadata enrichment OAI-PHM ESE/ EDM ABCD 2.06 EFG Harvester (HIT) BioCASE ABCD 2.06 EFG [Iterative steps occurring during the mapping process] DAMS / Webstorage Reference FileURL Reference ProductURL Web-Interface Europeana side with OpenUp! support
Efficiency records and associated multimedia objects references combined in one database One hosting infrastructure for two aggregation platforms, GBIF and Europeana Reduction of costs and efforts for maintenance Sustainability Maintenance also after the end of the OpenUp! Project Usage of accepted domain standards for (meta)data exchange reusable for other platforms e.g. GeoCASe, BioCASE Quality Quality check of metadata by Data Quality Toolkit e.g. dataset integrity, scientific names, (and georeferences) Quality check of ABCD mapping and compliance check with Europeana standards by BioCASe Monitor Service OpenUp! – Architecture
Domain specific standards: ABCD 2.06 (Access to Biological Collections Data) Zoology & Botany ABCDEFG 1.0 (Access to Biological Collection Databases Extended for Geosciences) Palaeontology & Mineralogy These standards are transformed to Europeana Semantic Elements (ESE) & Europeana Data Model (EDM) OpenUp! –Data Exchange Standards