Development of the current system of education in the Republic of Lithuania started in the 1990s. Since 2003, the education system covers: preschool (ikimokyklinis) general secondary (bendrasis vidurinis) vocational (profesinis) junior college (aukštesnysis) higher (aukštasis) adult education (suaugusiųjų švietimas) Education is compulsory until 16 Education at state and municipality schools, vocational schools and junior colleges is free of charge The school year starts on September 1st
Education is offered at: preschool education establishments (ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaiga) schools of general education (bendrojo lavinimo mokykla) institutions (įstaiga) enterprises (įmonė) of vocational education (profesinis mokymas) junior colleges (aukštesnioji mokykla) higher education institutions (aukštoji mokykla) institutions of complementary and non-formal education (papildomo ugdymo ir neformaliojo švietimo įstaiga)
Primary stage Type of school – Primary School (Pradinė mokykla) Length of curriculum - 4 years Age level Basic First Stage Type of school: Lower Secondary School (Pagrindinė mokykla) Secondary School (Vidurinė mokykla) Youth school (Jaunimo mokykla) Length of curriculum – 6 years Age level – Certificate/diploma awarded Certificate of Lower Secondary Education (Pagrindinės mokyklos baigimo pažymėjimas (PMP))
Senior Secondary Stage Type of school: Secondary school (Vidurinė mokykla) Gymnasium (Gimnazija) Lyceum (Licéjus), International baccalaureate school (IB) (Tarptautinio bakalaureato mokykla) Length of curriculum – 2 years Age level – Certificate/diploma awarded Maturity Certificate (Brandos atestatas)
Type of school: Vocational school (Profesinė mokykla) Technological gymnasium (Technologijų gimnazija) Youth school (Jaunimo mokykla) Age level – Certificate/diploma awarded Type of school Junior college (Aukštesnioji mokykla) Length of program – 3 years Age level – Admission to Junior Colleges stopped in 2003.
2 types of higher education (HI) institutions: universities colleges In university-type institutions (akademija; seminarija; aukštoji mokykla) university-level studies dominate In colleges - non-university-level studies dominate HI can be of 2 types: state non-state (institutions can carry out their practice according to a licence issued by the Government) HI is provided by 35 higher education institutions (HEI): 15 state university level institutions 7 state non-university HEI 4 non-state university level HEI 9 non-state non-university level HEI.
Non-university-level studies are organized in one-cycle undergraduate studies University-level studies are organized in three cycles: first cycle (undergraduate) (Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in the field of the specialization) second cycle (graduate) (Master’s degree) third cycle (post-graduate) (trains researchers; art teachers, artists and medical practitioners) Studies follow curricula registered by the Ministry of Education and Science 3 modes of study: daytime, evening and extra- mural
Admission To apply to undergraduate programmes, the student must hold a Maturity Certificate or equivalent education certificate To apply to graduate programmes, the student must hold a Bachelor or equivalent degree To apply to post-graduate studies, the student must hold a Master or equivalent degree in the selected field Admission to all cycles takes place on a competitive basis according to the admission rules set up by the higher education institution and validated by the Ministry of Education and Science Academic year: Sep – Jun Languages of instruction: Lithuanian, English