Every Weekend A Festival! Urban impact of the festivalization of the daily life in Europe Dr Dragan Klaic Leiden University Time-Space Dynamics in Urban Settings Third Annual Conference of the Transatlantic Graduate Research Program Center for Metropolitan Studies, Technical University Berlin, 25 May 2007 (c) D. Klaic 2007
Causes of festivals growth artistic mobility internationalization of artistic practices structural restraints of cultural institutions marketing and fundraising efficiency competition among the cities, destination marketing tourism boost & expected economic benefits MUCH HAPPENS – LITTLE RESEARCH! ARE FESTIVALS EMBLEMATIC FOR CULTURAL PRODUCTION & DISTRIBUTION? Klaic TU Berlin 2
European Festival Research Project supported by the ECF, EFA, ACE and festivals a consortium and a growing network a research and reflection platform a series of events: workshops, panels, seminars... introducing festival issues in the academic curricula a book on festival politics, governance & programming and other publications a publicly accessible repository of research: CONTACT: Klaic TU Berlin 3
3 kinds of festivals community self-celebrations commercial crowd-gathering events artistic festivals - specific discipline - geographic accent - multidisciplinary - monographic - interdisciplinary - commemorative * specific issues: music, performing arts, literature, film labels & niches * common issues: politic, governance, programming, management, funding, context, impact, continuity, sustainability... Klaic TU Berlin 4
Formula shifts social agenda, intellectual framing (feminist, gay, migration, globalization, ecology, philosophy, science) new media urbanity, urban context Purpose - compensatory - manifestative - developmental, exploratory Klaic TU Berlin 5
Festivals impact Artistic: innovation, affirmation, reappraisal Cultural & educational: various age groups, people & institutions Social: social cohesion, inclusiveness, interaction, remapping of the city Political: distinction, civic pride, “identity” Economic: jobs, expenditure, area revitalization Klaic TU Berlin 6
Spatial organization Venue centered /ambiental - nature celebratory, exploratory, invasive, restorative - post-industrial space art defeats technology - historic monument cultural memory - open urban space : suspending, transformative Topography: - urban / rural : structures of sociability - urban center /periphery: political choice -focused or dispersed: one or many locations programming volume, logistic Klaic TU Berlin 7
Urban effects A-centric focus remapping the city foreground, highlight what marginal engaging, empowering specific groups Site-inspired, site-specific events - exceptional appropriation: improvisation - repeated use: adaptation - continued use: conversion, recycling - area impact: gentrification Klaic TU Berlin 8
Impact on the local cultural constellation Artistic profiling audience development educational & outreach activities continuous training of the professionals professional/public reflection and debate media spin-offs local alliances and partnerships enhancing cooperative mentality: competitors become partners experimenting with local/global dialectic Klaic TU Berlin 9
Why do festivals matter? High profile events less visible processes artistic innovation and vitality inclusion, spatial desegregation, new audiences, new places, new partners intercultural dialogue, intercultural competence quality of urban life, cultural democracy European citizenship? Klaic TU Berlin 10
Festival pathology wild growth, imitative formulae, more of the same routine, programming fads festivals seasons audiences saturated one-shot festivals; marketing and fundraising pragmatism forensic: de-funded, disbanded, transformed public authorities: festival policy (expectations, objectives, criteria, monitoring, evaluation) (c) D. Klaic 2007