Date/ event: Author: Overview of ETC Water data outputs 2010 Miroslav Fanta ETC Water data manager 7. - 8. 6. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta.


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Presentation transcript:

Date/ event: Author: Overview of ETC Water data outputs 2010 Miroslav Fanta ETC Water data manager WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Content of the Presentation 1) WISE-SoE reporting - Rivers Water Quality - Rivers Water Quality - Lakes Water Quality - Lakes Water Quality - Groundwater quality - Groundwater quality - Transitional, Coastal and Marine Waters Quality - Transitional, Coastal and Marine Waters Quality - Emissions to water - Emissions to water - Water quantity - Water quantity 2) Directives reporting - Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive - Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive - Bathing Water Directive - Bathing Water Directive 3) GIS reference layers 4) Plans, on-coming changes WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: ETC-Water web WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: ETC-Water web WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Rivers water quality – reported data WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Rivers – published European dataset WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Rivers – structure of published data WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Rivers – content of the published data Nutrients and organic matter, most important for rivers, used for indicators – BOD5 (BOD7) – Total Ammonium – Orthophosphate – Nitrate – Nitrite – Chlorophyl a – Chemical oxygen demand, Dissolved oxygen – Others (cca 25 substances in total, see list in Data Dictionary) Water quality data are aggregated by station, substance and year WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Rivers – Quality Assurance - Primary key tests - Primary key tests - Data type and codes tests - Data type and codes tests - Cross – table relations tests - Cross – table relations tests - Logical rules violation tests - Logical rules violation tests - Detection of outliers - Detection of outliers - Stations tests - Stations tests Quality control documentation published WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Lakes water quality Analogical structure and content of reported and published data as in the case of rivers Data from different depths can be reported WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Groundwater quality – reported data WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Groundwater – published dataset WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Groundwater – example of published table structure description WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Groundwater – content of published data Nutrients and most important pesticides – Nitrates – Nitrites – Ammonium – Dissolved Oxygen – Lindane, Simazine, Atrazine Groundwater quality data are aggregated by groundwater body, substance and year WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Transitional, Coastal and Marine water quality – reported data WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: TCM – published data 10 tables: - WISE-SoE monitoring stations - WISE-SoE flux stations - ICES and MEDPOL stations - Hazardous substances in sediments / biota / seawater - Nutrients, oxygen and organic matter in seawater - Proxy pressures on the upstream catchment or drainage basin of the transitional water transitional water - Discharges (yearly direct discharges to the TCM water) - Input (yearly riverine input loads to TCM water) WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Emissions to water - reported data WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Emissions – overview Nutrients and Hazardous substances data are reported as aggregated by spatial unit, substance and year Spatial unit types: RBD, SubUnit, coastal / transitional / ground / surface water body ground / surface water body 2009 = first year of regular reporting (14 countries) 5 tables published: - Spatial Unit Characteristics and pressures - Nutrients Emission Discharges from Point / Diffuse Sources Sources - Hazardous Substances Emission Discharges from Point / Diffuse Sources Diffuse Sources WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Water Quantity - principles WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Water Quantity – simplified data scheme WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Water Quantity – overview 2009 = first year of regular renewed reporting Data not published up to now, structure of data for publication is consulted with experts Expected publication: July WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: UWWTD reporting Bi-annual reporting period 2007 data published (8 tables), 2009 reporting in processing Full-range and careful QA process, incl. spatial data (coordinates) checking Data relations and links: Agglomerations Agglomerations -> Uwwtp_Agglo -> Uwwtp_Agglo -> UWWTPs -> UWWTPs -> Discharge points -> Discharge points -> Receiving areas -> Receiving areas WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: UWWTD – published 2007 data WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Bathing Water Directives reporting Status of bathing waters reported by countries, including abnormal situations, short term pollution and concentrations of most important pollutants WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: BWD reporting – data viewer WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: GIS Reference Layers WISE Large Rivers and Large Lakes (version 1.1, February 2009) WISE River Basin Districts (ver. 1.3, June 2008, ver. 1.4 with SubUnits planned in July ?? 2010 (Atkins)) SubUnits planned in July ?? 2010 (Atkins)) WFD Art.5 groudwater bodies (upper horizon) – Autumn 2010 UWWTD Sensitive Areas – first working version with correct topology updated with 2009 reporting data finished last week topology updated with 2009 reporting data finished last week WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Planned activities – Biological reporting WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Planned activities – Priority Hazardous Substances publication Aggregated concentrations of priority hazardous substances in rivers, lakes, groundwater, TCM 33 hazardous substances according to the EQS directive 10 – 20 additional most important substances relevant for each water category Data are still checked and quality assured, publication in 2010 not confirmed yet for all water categories > regular publication WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Planned activities – web map services Data structure modification for new GIS technology planned in EEA for map publication in 2011 (ArcGIS Server, FLEX API client interface), web map services and web feature services Link of tabular data to spatial objects (GIS layers of monitoring stations, groundwater bodies) Loading of published data into client’s map composition will be available (-> analysis, corelations of water quality with other data) WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water

Date/ event: Author: Thank you for attention WISE TG Meeting Madrid Miroslav Fanta ETC Water