BUILDING UP consortium Jadwiga Fangrat (ITB) BUILDING UP project – long term view and roadmapping actions in energy efficiency in building BUILDING UP consortium Jadwiga Fangrat (ITB) Ljubljana, 29/08/2012
Framework Follow up of the EeB PPP 2010-2013 Horizon 2020 Goal of E2BA Prepare a new Roadmap 2014-2020 Objective of Building Up Define cross-ETP priorities to be integrated into the Roadmap which will be adapted to the E2BA roadmap considered as a basic document for the European Commission, to start working on their programmes
EeB PPP 2010-2013 as the first wave of a Long Term Strategy EeB PPP 2010-13 New Roadmap To be prepared i.e. Retrofitting and reduction of energy use i.e. Energy neutral buildings/districts i.e. Energy positive buildings/districts 3
E2BA Roadmapping Process
E2BA Roadmapping Process 2nd Semester Final Public Consultation PPP Info Days Roadmap Final Draft Building Up Roadmap April/June Validate final Vision 2050 and Targets 2020 Validate functional R&I projects Set time priorities Building Up Roadmap Roadmap Draft 2 April 24-25-26 Analyse all inputs from restricted consultation Agree on Draft 2 preparing process E2BA Workshops (round 2) Roadmap Draft 1 ICT4E2BA Roadmap February/March Validate Methodology and working process Shape the first version of the Roadmap E2BA Workshops (round 1)
BU contract requirements to create an effective coordination of ETPs and major initiatives whose SRAs and activities address energy efficiency in the built environment from an NMP perspective Need for a jointly shared Industrial and Research Roadmap focused on long term cross-platform research and innovation areas Need to build a cross-ETP network through large public consultations and debates
Work Plan and Associated Tools
Roadmapping Methodology Roadmapping process in Building Up The main steps of Road mapping that are followed in BU are: Step 1: Planning Step 2: Roadmap Development Step 3: Plan Preparation Step 4: Follow-up
Roadmapping Process –Step 1 Planning Step 2: Roadmap Development Step 3: Plan Preparation Step 4: Follow-up Definition of Roadmap Methodology Definition of the structure Identification of the process Creation of Schedule & Planning Definition of the roadmapping process expected timeline Identification of roadmapping meetings/events/ milestones Information Information & Preparation Material Conference calls WP leaders and Building Up project Managers Collection & clustering of already available information (WP1)
Roadmapping Process – Step 2 Planning Step 2: Roadmap Development Step 3: Plan Preparation Step 4: Follow-up First step Inventive Workshop Identification of building trends and barriers Preliminary identification of cross-ETP research and innovation areas On line Consultation Clustered list of cross-platform collaboration areas Online survey to stakeholders Draft Roadmap structure Consideration of E2BA vision Second step inventive Workshop Sharing survey results Finalization of the preliminary identified cross-platform areas Development of one draft roadmap for each top area
Roadmapping Process – Step 3 Planning Step 2: Roadmap Development Step 3: Plan Preparation Step 4: Follow-up BU Draft Roadmap Further development of the inventive session results Analysis of synergies among roadmaps Preliminary clustering Reviews by the Advisory Board Finalization of the BU Roadmap Finalised integration of the roadmaps Continuous sharing of information with experts (surveys, conference calls, etc.) Review by Advisory Board Release of the final Roadmap
Roadmapping Process – Step 4 Planning Step 2: Roadmap Development Step 3: Plan Preparation Step 4: Follow-up Periodic Review of Roadmap Continuous incorporation of changes in roadmap Periodic Revision Dissemination & awareness Sharing with the interested community of the BU vision Increase competitiveness Increase competences
Survey Results Expert Background Type of Organizations
Survey Results Expert Background Field of Expertise Other = Energy efficiency, Low to zero carbon technologies, research management, Energy simulation and design, Passive house technologies
Preliminary Ranking of Cross-platform Areas Survey Results Preliminary Ranking of Cross-platform Areas
Developing roadmap Scenarios and trends (I) Scenario – description of different sets of assumptions on possible futures Scenarios were condenced into following groups: Climate change and CO2 emissions Growth and competitiveness Efficiency (measures) and technological innovation Demographic and social aspects, including labour force Renewable and non-renewable resources
Developing roadmap Scenarios and trends (II) Trend – ongoing and/or planned developments regarding certain aspects of the built environment and its stakeholders More than 60 resources were analysed within categories: Refurbisment to transform existing buildings into energy-efficient buildings Neutral/Energy positive new buildings Building materials Energy-efficient districts/communities Horizontal technological aspects Horizontal organizational aspects
Identified barriers
Exemplary barriers for ‘Energy genaration, use and managemenet’ architects’ lack o awareness of latest technical improvements and energy related effects lack of standard solutions gap between research and market
Exemplary barriers for ‘Materials and components’ lack of certification of companies slowness of buildings sector to adopt new technology payback time international availability of components and products
List of Cross-ETP Areas (CP) CP 1 Performance Based Approach for building components, including sustainable design, Life Cycle Analysis CP 2 Multi-material composites CP 3 Healthy indoor environment (including air quality, ventilation, lighting, acoustic performance) CP 4 Electric generation and storage materials and systems CP 5 Thermal generation and storage materials and systems, including building integrated energy technologies CP 6 Advanced thermal insulation construction materials for new buildings and existing buildings (e.g. aerogel, nanofoams, vacuum insulation panels) CP 7 Building materials recyclability and re-use of components CP 8 Renewable resource-based products to substitute non-renewable based products
Example CP 1 (draft roadmap) sdfasdfasd Example CP 1 (draft roadmap) 23
Example CP 1 (draft roadmap)
Advanced Smart windows integrating different technologies EXAMPLE (1): Glass-based products including smart windows by 2020 2021-2050 Development, Integration and Optimization of advanced technologies for multifunctional energy efficient glazing Target Advanced coatings and multifunctional materials for Low-E and solar control glass Technologies Advanced Smart windows integrating different technologies High-Strength and acoustic insulating Glass (flexible glass, lightweight glass, self-healing glass) reduction of CO2 emission, reduction of airconditioning use, Safety, Fire Resistance and comfort reduction of CO2 emission reduction of airconditioning use Safety, Fire Resistance and comfort Expected outcomes Smart Windows and Façades, focus on public buildings and social housing Smart Windows and Façades, focus on private buildings Applications Solar thermal collectors, photovoltaic modules and Concentrated Solar Power plants 25
by 2020 2021-2050 EXAMPLE (2): Building components including sustainable design, LCA by 2020 2021-2050 All building components meet an ecodesign approach covering the whole chain of the building life Target Emerging market of biobased materials, combinating different building materials to obtain a cost-optimum solution Speaking components (with indicators), increasing the use of embodied energy calculations and LCA in product manufacturing Technologies Building design tools for architects for real time building ecodesign Expected outcomes Higher building physics performance Focus on new-erected buildings, new design and retrofitting, Standards and assessment applied to both new and traditional construction Applications 26
Policy recommendations CONTENT Introduction 2. Objective 3. Target audience 4. Current economic environment 5. Existing legislation 6. Proposed actions 7. Expected impact 8. Concluding remarks 9. References
How to overcome barriers? New products development production research & technology development Establishment of Eco (Energy) Euroclass system for construction products Fast path for technical evaluation and approval of innovative product Standardization and Harmonization Education training programmes: architects, designers, builders, property management, academy, producers, policy makers, central and local administration Building regulations Building control Information campaign (public) ……
HORIZON 2020 The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation OVERARCHING OBJECTIVE Sustainable Development KEY PRIORITIES Excellent Science (1) Industrial Leadership (2) Societal Challenges (3) PROBLEM DRIVERS HORIZON 2020 The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation A NEED FOR NEW POLICY STRATEGY low growth insufficient innovation environmental and social challenges TO MAKE EUROPE COMPETITIVE
HORIZON 2020 Areas of funding EXCELLENT SCIENCE support creative individuals and their teams to carry out the highest quality research collaborative research to open up new fields of research trainings for researchers research infrastructures INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP support for ICT, nanotechnologies, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing and processing, and space access to risk finance support for innovation in SMEs
HORIZON 2020 Areas of funding SOCIETAL CHALLENGES health, demographic change and wellbeing food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bio-economy secure, clean and efficient energy smart, green and integrated transport climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials inclusive, innovative and secure societes
HORIZON 2020 What’s new? integration of research and innovation – funding from idea to market support for innovation leading to a direct economic stimulus focus on creating business opportunities inclusive approach open to new participants from Europe and beyond more possibilities for new entrants and young scientists simplicity – less bureaucracy, fewer audits