UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 ___________________________ Noise Policy - European perspective Mads Bergendorff Environmental advisor UIC ___________________________.


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Presentation transcript:

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 ___________________________ Noise Policy - European perspective Mads Bergendorff Environmental advisor UIC ___________________________ Rail Noise Seminar Utrecht 7 November 2002

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 AGENDA  Political Background  Development in the European Transport Sector  Commission’s White paper  Railways’ European development strategy (ERRAC and SRRA)  Noise Policy (The Environmental Noise Directive)  Overview of the noise activities  UIC/CER railway noise strategy  Political background

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 EU TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT  Political background

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 EU WHITE PAPER ON TRANSPORT The growth in road and air traffic must be brought into control, and the railway and other environmentally friendly modes of transportation must be given the necessary means to become competitive  Regulated competition between modes (internalisation of external cost)  For the European railway transportation system:  Interoperability  Creation of a European single rail market  Upgraded service  Assure and maintain the high level of safety and environmental performance  “However, the common transport policy alone will not provide all the answers. It must be part of an overall strategy integrating sustainable development”  Political background

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 RAILWAY RESEARCH STRATEGY  Political background

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 RAILWAY RESEARCH STRATEGY Principal objectives of the railway system in Europe by 2020 are: For rail to achieve a 10% market share of passenger traffic in the EU with no detrimental environmental impact (doubling of passenger kilometres) For rail to achieve a 15% market share of freight traffic in the EU with no detrimental environmental impact (a tripling of ton kilometres) A threefold increase in productivity (UIC Strategy); Elimination of avoidable fatal accidents within proposed interoperable European railway system; A 50% gain in energy efficiency over vehicle or product life cycles; A 50% reduction in the generation of pollutants over the life cycle of rail industry products and services; An increase in network capacity to accommodate the traffic projections given above.  Political background

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002  Political background ERRAC - “European Railway Research Advisory Council” is an independent permanent advisory body for the Eureopean Commission SRRA - ”Strategic Railway Research Agenda” was published at Eurailspeed 2002 in Madrid 2 weeks ago The idea behind SRRA is a business scenario 2020 Research clusters in SRRA: Interoperability Intelligent mobility Safety Environment - including noise Innovative materials and production methods RAILWAY RESEARCH STRATEGY

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 NOISE POLICY  Political background New legislation: Environmental Noise Directive two main objectives Latest developments (2) basis for further legislation on noise sources (rail vehicles and infrastructure)  EC report within 18 months  Appropriate legislative proposals in 4 years Noise creation (1) avoid, prevent or reduce harmful effects of noise  Noise mapping  Information to public  Action plans Noise reception

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 Noise Reception: Implementation of the Directive NOISE POLICY Latest developments  Member States are free in setting reception limit values  Member States can introduce different limit values for different modes of transport  Political background Noise creation: Development and role of TSI  TSI conventional rail and revision TSI high-speed  New vehicles (and existing fleet)  Retrofitting / voluntary measures / Second Railway Package

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 NOISE ABATEMENT ACTIVITIES European Legislation on Noise Creation: TSI European Legislation on Noise mapping & Noise Abatement National Legislation on Noise Creation (A, I,CH) Railway Noise Ongoing Projects: STAIRRS RENVIB Implement. Silent technic Harmonoise Curve squeal Research Braking system ERS Cost Benefit of Noise abatement Strategies (STAIRRS) Railway Noise Research Europe’s Traffic Policy promoting Railway as Environmental friendly mode of Transport European & National Noise Policy Rolling Noise, Produced by existing Fright wagons Technical / physical aspects of Noise Noise High Speed, in construction of new lines

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 External and internal working groups NOISE ABATEMENT ACTIVITIES UIC steering group action programme UIC SC Noise & Vibrations UIC CTR EU WG railway noise EU steering group noise ERRAC WT 4 Environment AEIF group noise EU WG 6 subgroup TSI EU WG 6 subgroup priorities CALM Network EU WG health and economic

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 UIC/CER Action Programme Noise Reduction Freight Technology wheel/brake:  Safeguarding unlimited K-blocks approval  Lifecycle-cost clarified  Solution for new vehicles available! To be used! Decision taken by: DB, SNCF, SBB  Development of LL-block (retrofit of existing wagons) started in ERS- project; feasibility clarified mid 2003 (?)  Noise abatement activities

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 UIC/CER Action Programme Noise Reduction Freight Planning implementation:  Fleet to be retrofitted: 600’000 wagons (of 1.200’000 existing Wagons)  Retrofitting costs (K-blocks) estimated to ~3 Bill €  STAIRRS estimates cost for noise screens in Europe to Bill €  Noise abatement activities

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 UIC/CER Action Programme Noise Reduction Freight EU Legislation:  EC study proposal "Status and options for the reduction of noise emission from the existing European rail freight wagon fleet - Third-party assessment”  Noise abatement activities

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 EU WG 6 RAILWAY NOISE Focus of discussions on  Possibilities on Noise reduction in general:  Regulation on Noise creation (Vehicles)  Regulation on Noise reception (Infrastructure), i.e. Track Maintenance conditions or fixing acoustic grinding  Position Paper on the European strategies and priorities of railway noise abatement  Discussion within subgroup; Great difficulties to get to agreements, Railways position in general supported by large majority of WG.  Number of noise abatement instruments investigated  Noise abatement activities

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 For the development of a noise reduction strategy the complete picture is needed RAILWAY NOISE STRATEGY Noise creation Noise reception - Noise creation: ODS-study and sector response - Proposal for voluntary agreement (decision in 1998/1999) and reference in Second Railway Package

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 Basic elements for the upcoming rail noise reduction strategy  Freight traffic  Passenger traffic  Infrastructure  Research  Principles / Fields of action RAILWAY NOISE STRATEGY Strategy Elements

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 Key point for a rail noise reduction strategy The reduction of noise from the existing freight vehicle fleet is a challenging task but it also provides probably the best cost-benefit ratio compared to other options reducing noise reception and thereby meeting (today's and) future legal requirements. RAILWAY NOISE STRATEGY Strategy Elements

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 Strategy Elements FREIGHT TRAFFIC First and important step: Retrofitting of the existing vehicle fleet New vehicles: best possible technology PASSENGER TRAFFIC Need for retrofitting to be decided on national level INFRASTRUCTURE Track measures have to be considered (more information needed) RAILWAY NOISE STRATEGY

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 Strategy Elements RESEARCH Important part of the noise reduction strategy Development of global approach in line with ERRAC objectives PRINCIPLES / FIELDS OF ACTION Noise creation dealt with on EU-level Reception issues tackled on national level Voluntary measures at time being difficult due to technical and financial questions RAILWAY NOISE STRATEGY

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 Strategy Elements Next Steps After defining the main elements for a rail noise reduction strategy the following tasks are now being addressed:  Prioritization  Evaluation of options (assessment of opportunities and risks)  Formulation of areas and scope where co-operation with EU/national policy level is needed  Compilation of Rail noise policy paper RAILWAY NOISE STRATEGY

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 EC study proposal "Status and options for the reduction of noise emission from the existing European rail freight wagon fleet - Third-party assessment"  Voluntary agreement should aim making wagon fleet more performing and respond better to customer demands in connection with measures to improve fleet management Study should carry out  independent evaluation of the UIC action plan  status of existing fleet and forecast  options for developing the fleet to meet environmental and market requirements including evaluation of cost-effectiveness  propose actions on EU and Member State level including alternative means of funding renewal of the fleet RAILWAY NOISE STRATEGY Action Plan Elements

UIC/CER - MB/RT - 11/2002 There is a European support on the political level for the railway mode - this needs now to be put into practice UIC, CER and the railways are very focused on the noise problems of our sector There is a close co-operation between the Commission and the railway organisations to solve the problems UIC, CER and the railways would like to communicate openly with our stakeholders - invitation is hereby given! CONCLUSIONS