RCC Meeting 13 December 2007 Interconnections: primary market IP Taisnières / Blaregnies / Quévy IP Taisnières / Blaregnies / Quévy IP Obergailbach / Medelsheim Key achievements Since the RCC of Sept 2007
2 Agenda IP Taisnières / Blaregnies –Coordinated open seasons Fluxys / GRTgaz –Interruptible transit and transparency IP Obergailbach / Medelsheim –Transparency –Diagnostic 2008 –Questionnaires and IP meetings –The other IPs
3 High interest of the market for additional capacity showed during the first non binding phase Information meeting for shippers organised by GRTgaz in October Allocation mechanisms for shippers submitting binding bids published New agenda: –January 4, 2008: Deadline for submitting binding bids –January 31, 2008: Capacity allocation by GRTgaz –February 1-28, 2008: Capacity allocation by Fluxys and contracts signature with GRTgaz Memorandum of Understanding between Fluxys and GRTgaz Open seasons closely monitored by regulators Open seasons of Fluxys and GRTgaz On track
4 Obergailbach/Medelsheim– Transparency From February 2008, GDFDT will publish its daily flows on Internet EGT’s information on capacity for the coming 3 gas year available since October EGT: Flows publication since Dec 1, as prescribed by the Reg. 1775/2005 (i.e. monthly maximum and minimum capacity utilisation rate), as more than 2 shippers active in the last 36 months
5 Obergailbach/Medelsheim Joint diagnostic TSOs produced a joint diagnostic, as of July 2007, of the products offered No firm capacity available for EGT and GDFDT until at least September Available firm capacity for GRTgaz from March Interruptible capacity with different quantities and features: –Temperature dependent: not available for EGT, GDFDT, available from December 2009 for GRTgaz. –Short term interruptible UIOLI (product of GRTgaz): available –Overbooking for unlimited interruptible capacity (products of EGT and GDFDT): available
6 2008: IP meetings and questionnaires IP meetings to be held at the end of January 2008 for Obergailbach / Medelsheim and Blaregnies / Taisnières, in order to further enhance the functioning of these IPs. Prior to this meeting, questionnaires to shippers to voice their concerns and demands concerning: –Improvement of the use of existing capacity and harmonisation of capacity products for H gas and L gas –Backhaul services –Transit of L gas through Belgium –Potential need for additional capacity –Transparency
7 2008: Proposals At the Bonn workshop in February 2008, 8 IPs have been classified as important : –Taisnières, Obergailbach and Bunde Oude Statenzijl –5 remaining IP: Bocholtz (G/NL), Ellund (G/DK), Eynatten (G/B), Zelzate (B/NL) and Bacton (UK-NL/B) Discussion on whether to tackle these IPs in 2008 Address the coming cross-border open seasons in the NW GRI