Industrial Policy Activities. Our view on IP Industrial Policy is the process of cooperation between the public and private sector in fields of strategic.


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Presentation transcript:

Industrial Policy Activities

Our view on IP Industrial Policy is the process of cooperation between the public and private sector in fields of strategic importance such as: Environment and climate change Social Policy and demographics Energy and resource efficiency, RID Transport and mobility CHALLANGE: Reconcile IP with the demands of the EU Single Market and globalisation

Our view on IP GOAL: Create favourable framework conditions for Europe’s industry to create and maintain high quality, sustainable jobs Life-cycle thinking Socially accepted products / production processes Eco-efficient technologies Foster markets for sustainable goods & services Promote sustainable industrialisation Increase energy efficiency

IP for the future Key points for a sustainable IP strategy: Knowledge society Promoting ICT Public support for breakthrough technologies Integration of social dimension Sectoral initiatives Efficient governance

Employment Sustainable investment is employment-intensive: Public transportation Installation of energy efficiency systems Retrofitting buildings Installation of renewable energy generating systems Waste management and recycling

Instruments Our strategies have to be developed as well as implemented on multiple levels through the use of following instruments: industriAll Sector Committes Cooperation with the ETUC Social Dialogue on EU level Active engagement in EU initiatives, such as:  Europe 2020 strategy (IP flagship)  Sector specific policy frameworks (Cars 21, LeaderSHIP)  European Parliament activities

Road ahead Following events will highlight the further development of our IP strategy Action Day 8. October 2012 European Conference on Industrial Policy (2014/2015), preceded by the 3 symposia (2013/2014) on sectoral industrial policy initiative from the metal, chemical and textile sector

Thank you very much for your attention !!!