5th DORII AHM NA2 – Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer Johannes Watzl Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 17 June 2009, Santander, Spain
Actions completed Deliverable DNA2.5 New dissemination material DORII Summer School Update Participants Promotion needed HPDC 2009 Booth Camera Demo New Applications Poster ISC‘09 Booth Float will be available on the booth – many thanks to the OGS people! Camera Demo DORII Video Future Deliverables Outline
Camera Demo developed at LMU for running on the booths New Dissemintation materials ordered for ISC’09 Ballpoint pens with DORII Logo and webaddress Puzzle games (we had at ICT 2008 in Lyon) with DORII logo and webaddress Updated Application Poster Include Ecohydros! Send pictures, description also for the website Actions Completed
Current registered Persons: DORII participants – please register! Promote the Summer School!! DORII Summer School Update Abdularsheed Olatunji Abdussalam Al-Azhar University Giorgio Bolzon OGS Alexey Cheptsov High-Performance Computing Centre of Stuttgart (HLRS), University of Stuttgart Maria del Campo IFCA-CSIC Helmut Heller Leibniz Computing Center Olga Jaramillo Ortiz DIST - Università di Genova Norbert Meyer PSNC Stefano Salon OGS Nilsgentschen FeldeLMU ThomasKöckerbauerLMU DieterKranzlmüllerLMU TobiasLindingerLMU MichaelSchiffersLMU JohannesWatzlLMU SuGI Person 1University of Cologne? SuGI Person 2University of Cologne?
Highlight was the interactive Camera Demo Many thanks to Andrea and Thomas for the setup Thomas live Demo New application poster HPDC 2009 Booth
ISC’09 Booth Next week in Hamburg Persons at the booth PSNC (Szymon Mueller) LMU (Johannes Watzl) Highlights Workflow demo – Szymon Mueller – Thank you!! Interactive Camera Demo Videos (same as at ICT 2008) New application poster New dissemination material
DORII Video Will be produced together with a video production company in Munich Float will be filmed after ISC’09 Other (new) videos from partners in high resolution?! Ecohydros? Signation useable also for the DORII tutorial videos (DoW) Include statements and interviews Tutorial videos Record the DORII tutorial sessions at the Summer School Will be done by people from the SuGI project ( DORII Video
DNA2.6 – Report on Dissemination Update of DNA2.5 To be delivered in M20 (Oct 2009) DNA2.7 - Dissemination of Middleware Deployment Instructions The outcome of this task would be a small brochure of about 50 pages, explaining in detail how to deploy the middleware that has been developed and modified in the JRA, SAs and NAs. To be delivered in M24 (Feb 2010) Together with DNA2.8 - Workshop on Middleware Deployment and Usage This workshop instructs scientists on how to deploy Grid middleware. It should serve as a step-by-step tutorial, following the information contained within the brochure. Future Deliverables
Thank you!