EGEE 08, Istanbul, September 25th, Support for experimental science communities Istanbul, September 25th, 2008 Norbert Meyer, Marcin Płóciennik Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center on behalf of LMU
EGEE 08, Istanbul, September 25th, DORII in a nutshell DORII – Deployment of Remote Instrumentation Infrastructure Started – Feb. 1st, months 11 partners: scientific community IT partners Service providers: services + infrastructure industry 7 FP project, started at the Infrastructure Unit Grant agreement for: Combination of Collaborative projects & Coordination and support action Call1: Deployment of e-Infrastructures for scientific communities
EGEE 08, Istanbul, September 25th, Motivation Scientific community the ICT technology is still not present at the appropriate level but is demanded by the users to empower the daily work processes There is strong interest of scientific groups of users that are eager to profit from Remote Instrumentation e-Infrastructure This is the reference for DORII, with experimental equipment and instrumentation, which is not integrated or integrated only partially with the European infrastructure We collected requirements from various owners of equipments, selected scientific disciplines (only areas where hardware instrumentations are required for experimental work) The current capital investment, collected since a few years and coming from many international and national projects, where we were co-operating together 7+ years experience RINGrid, GRIDCC, Int.EU.Grid and gEclipse
EGEE 08, Istanbul, September 25th, Integration of instrumentation and selected applications with e-Infrastructure and maintenance on production level Adaptation of e-Infrastructure across selected areas of science and engineering Step forward in accessing scientific instruments combine the experimental science community and its research facilities with the support given by e-Infrastructure Deployment and operation of persistent, production quality, distributed instrumentation integrated with e-Infrastructure to provide added values of e-Infrastructure in the integrated environment of scientific and engineering instrumentation, networking, visualisation and computational infrastructures Generalize and deploy a framework environment that can be used for fast prototyping to use expertise and demands collected from various groups/owners of scientific instrumentation to integrate selected functionalities from infrastructure and ICT-oriented projects Objectives
EGEE 08, Istanbul, September 25th, Middleware development The aim of our JRA is to integrate and further develop work that has been successfully carried out by the projects RINGrid, GRIDCC, Int.EU.Grid and gEclipse (based on gLite middleware) It will take advantage of best practices and operate the Remote Instrumentation Infrastructure together with the interactive computation resources offered by the Int.EU.Grid project It will enable workflows consisting of instrumentation gathering, interactive simulation, and effective visualization of the gained output (GridCC, VLAB, gEclipse). Tasks Identification of generic interface remote sensor/devices and implementation of support for sensors and devices Adaptation of selected services and middleware from other projects to implement a generic model of architecture of remote instrumentation. Supporting interactive jobs for experiment workflows Application developers’ support (performance analysis, remote debugging) Advanced visualization techniques Collaboration tools Integration of all enhanced components and applications into a common framework
EGEE 08, Istanbul, September 25th, Architecture Introduced new components on top of existing software stacks Major features: Hardware virtualisation (makes the approach general, allows fast prototyping) Workflow composition (automates the process of controling and monitoring) Interaction (quasi real-time control of experiments)
EGEE 08, Istanbul, September 25th, The Common library provides a general base of client-side classes and APIs to various Grid components The architecture components come from different projects The generality of the library allows to take some of its functionality from gLite but gives a possible way to use other software stacks e.g. these coming from the HPC ecosystem (some users require it) Most of DORII computing resources are provided by partners that share their sites with EGEE and that’s why the interoperability with gLite is a key point Common library
EGEE 08, Istanbul, September 25th, The selected user groups is a balanced sample of all existing European and international communities Their daily activities will benefit greatly after the integration with e-Infrastructure And even more… Deploying the results to a wider community outside the project MOON (Mediterranean Ocean Observing Network), European organisation EuroGOOS ECOHYDROS – represents the industry area (SME) Scientific communities Earthquake community: Network-centric seismic simulations Earthquake early warning system Environment community with selected applications: Oceanographic and coastal observation and modelling Mediterranean Ocean Observing Network Experimental science community On-line data analysis - synchrotron and free electron lasers Reference installation mentioned by ESFRI
EGEE 08, Istanbul, September 25th, Communities support Document and address the special requirements of the applications proposed by the communities Different level of application support Adaptation of the application architecture Adaptation and integration of instrument and sensors specific code and integration with the middleware provided by the JRA Adaptation of scientific workflows Applications are provided with integration procedures Generalize and deploy a framework environment that can be used for fast prototyping Foreseen for new scientific communities Users and application support
EGEE 08, Istanbul, September 25th, Data processing User Interface Computing Element Storage Worker Node grids EGEE HPC
EGEE 08, Istanbul, September 25th, DORII plans to add the instruments (IE & IM) to glue schema Needs for instrument/sensors discovery Temporary solution Using existing schema for glue 1.3 and include basic endpoint Question about possibilty to add it to EGEE BDII? Target - extend glue 2.x with the required schemas Document with draft proposition to be prepared Already initial discussion with OGF Glue-WG Requirements coming from DORII
EGEE 08, Istanbul, September 25th, DORII is supposed to provide procedures for deployment e-Infrastructure so our expectation for Grid infrastructure (gLite): Sustainability and interoperability: please use standards – provide fully functional support for JSDL, BES, etc Web services support would be very usefull, (UI libraries are not enough) LFC,VOMS Backward compability at all, especially in minor versions/patches Requirements coming from DORII(2)
EGEE 08, Istanbul, September 25th, Contributing to EGEE RESPECT Following components integrated or developed by DORII already within the RESPECT programme Virtual Control Room (VCR) Instrument Element i2gLogin
EGEE 08, Istanbul, September 25th, DORII uses gLite, other middleware included in RESPECT We want to make sure that instruments will be treated as the first class resources (as computational or storage resources) – glue schema extension DORII is being identified as the project providing procedures and middleware for integrating instruments and sensors with Grid – it’s based on gLite but the procedures should be relevant for other grid infrastructures (use of standards) Good approach for pilot applications Ready for new scientific communities (Framework to be delivered at the final development stage) Conclusions