Madrid, 19 th November 2012 Roadmap implementation CAM 20 th IG meeting
2 TSOs are currently working on the interpretation of the CAM NC text to be sent to Comitology. Some uncertainties will remain open until the end of the Comitology process. Coordination work is essential for a successful implementation. The connection to a booking platform will be a key issue for defining the final CAM implementation roadmap and a pre requirement for starting with CAM auctions. A CAM pilot project might be run in 2014 for a 6 months period (capacities between April 2014 and October 2014). VIP SP/FR will be implemented at the same time as auctions. The following CAM implementation roadmap is a proposal and must not be seen as a formal engagement from TSOs until the final CAM NC text is approved and NRAs give their approval. CAM implementation Spain/France
3 CAM NC capacities OSP October 2013 April 2013 April 2014 October 2014 June 2014 January 2014 April 2015 OSP ST 2012 Connection to booking platform Communication to the market Approval by NRAs Deadline modification of national regulation in Spain VIP SP/FR operational if no CAM pilot project is launched VIP SP/FR operational if no CAM pilot project is launched Yearly products auctions Quarterly products auctions OSP ST 2012 capacities Monthly/DA/WD products auctions Ad-hoc quarterly products auctions CAM Pilot project capacities VIP SP/FR operational NC on CAM Pilot Project Note that the pilot project will also depend on availability of the booking platform Roadmap CAM implementation March 2014
4 OSP OSP ST 2012:Nov/Dec 2012 NC on CAM implementation Deadline modification of national regulation in SpainOctober/November 2013 Communication to the marketNovember 2013 Connection to booking platform (not yet decided) :January 2014 If pilot project for capacities from 1 April 2014 to 30 September 2014 is developed: Approval by NRAsSeptember 2013 Ad-hoc quarterly products auctions (2 quarters):January/February 2014 VIP SP/FR operational1 st April 2014 Start of capacities allocated through auctions 1 st April 2014 First CAM NC auctions (Yearly products):1 st Monday of March 2014 CAM NC auctions (Quarterly products):1 st Monday of June 2014 CAM NC auctions (Monthly products):3 rd Monday of Sept 2014 VIP SP/FR operational (if no CAM pilot project): 1 st October 2014 Start of Capacities allocated through CAM auctions:1 st October 2014 CAM NC come into force:1 st April 2015 ??? CAM implementation: key milestones
5 Areas of WorkResponsibleStartingDeadline OSP ST 2012TSOsNov. 2012Dec CAM Pilot project proposalTSOsNov. 2012Jul Approval by NRAs of CAM Pilot projectNRAsJul. 2013Sep Communication to the marketTSOsNov Deadline modification of national regulation in SpainTSOs/NRAsSep. 2013Nov VIP SP/FR implementationTSOsApr Connection to booking platform (not yet decided)TSOsJan CAM Pilot project auctions (for Q2 and Q3 2014)TSOs/shippersJan CAM NC auction mechanisms presentation to stakeholdersTSOsFeb VIP SP/FR implementation (if no CAM Pilot project)TSOsOct CAM NC implementationTSOsJan. 2013Mar CAM NC Yearly products auctionsTSOs/shippers1 st Monday Mar CAM NC Quarterly products auctionsTSOs/shippers1 st Monday Jun CAM NC Rolling Monthly products auctionsTSOs/shippers3 rd Monday Sept CAM NC Rolling Day ahead products auctionsTSOs/shippers30 th Sept CAM NC Within Day products auctionsTSOs/shippers1 st Oct Stakeholders’ feedback on CAM NC auctionsStakeholdersJan CAM implementation: Working Plan
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