Madrid, 17 th February 2010 13th IG Meeting South Gas Regional Initiative.


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Presentation transcript:

Madrid, 17 th February th IG Meeting South Gas Regional Initiative

2 13th IG meeting S-GRI- Agenda

3 II. Work program for 2010 During the 8 th RCC, held on 29 January 2010, the Regulators approved the following work program for 2010 : INTERCONNECTION CAPACITIES 1.Capacity allocation mechanisms (CAM): 2010 OSP. GRI South will continue allocating short term capacity at Larrau, (scheduled in November) 2.New infrastructures: 2013 OS. Regulators in the GRI South will monitor infrastructure construction associated to 2013 OS French TSOs and CRE to report on French investments decisions, (Done in January) TSOs to provide a list of infrastructures, cost and operational start dates, (scheduled for February)

4 II. Work program for 2010 INTERCONNECTION CAPACITIES (cont.) 3.New infrastructures: 2015 OS. The GRI South will launch the binding phase of the 2015 OS Regulators to decide on economic test, tariff visibility and capacity products, (scheduled for February) TSOs to provide a list of infrastructures, investments cost and services’ availability dates, (scheduled for February) Regulators and TSOs to communicate Stakeholders the procedure details, (scheduled for early March) Final documentation and procedure launch, (before summer) Stakeholders to sign contracts (before August) 4.GRI South will develop a regional investment plan according to requirements in Regulation 715/2009 (art. 12), (scheduled for December)

5 II. Work program for 2010 INTEROPERABILITY 1.Study on CMPs at interconnection points: current status in each country, characterization, identification of problems taking into account CMP ERGEG Comitology Guidelines, future action plan to solve them at the borders (Regulation715/2009, art. 16), October (Possibility to have different timetable for the interconnection Fr-Sp, Pt-Sp) 2.Study on compatibility between LNG terminals and interconnected pipeline networks: regulation 715/2009, art. 17, to be developed once fulfilled the task above TRANSPARENCY 1.Update of Regulators’ 2007 Transparency Study: 1 st to check compliance (regulators) September with Regulation715/2009, 2 nd to invite comments by Stakeholders afterwards 2.TSOs to update building status records of OS infrastructures, June and December 3.TSOs to report on ENTSOG progress, quarterly REGULATORY HARMONIZATION 1.Regulatory proposals regarding common trading licence between Pt-Sp, Done January 2.Comparative study on cross border access tariffs between Pt and Sp, July 3.Regulatory proposal regarding cross border access tariffs between Pt-Sp, November, and Public Consultation on the proposal, December


7 MIDCAT +IRÚN INVESTMENTS: Biriatou TIGF X1 € MIDCAT TIGF X2 € Artére Midi X3 € Artére Rhône X4 € X1+X2+X3+X4 € MIDCAT MC2 INVESTMENTS: MIDCAT TIGF Artére du Midi Artére du Rhône Lupiac- Barran 28 km X2+X3+X4 € MIDCAT MC1 INVESTMENTS: MIDCAT TIGF CS Montpellier X5 € Artére Rhône Lupiac- Barran 28 km X2+X4+ X5 € MIDCAT MC0 MC0 + INVESTMENTS: MIDCAT TIGF Artére Rhône Lupiac- Barran 28 km X2 + X4 € IRÚN/BIRIATOU INVESTMENTS: CS Euskaldour Arcangues-Coudures X1 € N S GWh/d GWh/d N S 144 GWh/d 184 GWh/d N S 64 GWh/d 184 GWh/d N S 0 GWh/d 56 GWh/d 184 GWh/d N S 48 GWh/d IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV.1 Investment associated to the process Capacity offer at the other interconnection points? Different schemes at the French-Spanish border depending on the investments


9 IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV.1 Investment associated to the process POSSIBLE INVESTMENTS ASSOCIATED TO 2015 OS INFRASTRUCTURES Information by TSOs

10 CAPACITY INCREASE AT IRÚN/BIRIATOU Information by TSOs IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV.2 Capacity at Irún/Biriatou The following conclusion was reached by regulators in the 8 th RCC with regard to Irún/Biriatou: The development of an interconnection capacity of 120 GWh/d in both directions at Irún/Biriatou could be considered in the 2015 OS, if the French and Spanish TSOs come up with a detailed project at the next IG meeting on February 17 th at the latest.

11 PROPOSAL ON ECONOMIC TEST, TARIFF VISIBILITY AND OS PHASES Information by CRE IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV.3 Economic test, tariff visibility and phases

12 CNE COMMENTS ON CRE’s PROPOSAL: POINTS TO BE CLARIFIED 1.What are the infrastructures, investments costs and the annual recovery via TPA tariffs if building …? Irún-Biriatou project Midcat project: capacities at the border 2.What will the tariffs be in France in each possibility mentioned above…? TPA tariff structure TPA entry/exit tariffs values €/MWh/day/year 1. Buliding 60 GWh/day 2. Building 120 GWh/day 1. Buliding 180 GWh/day 2. Building 80 GWh/day 3. Building 0 GWh/day IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV.3 CNE comments on Economic test

13  In the 8th RCC, two possibilities to develop the current phase of the OS 2015 were presented by CRE, due to a request from shippers active in France: 1.Offer and allocation of 6 products (Spain  GRTgaz North and GRTgaz North  Spain) at the same time (one stage) 2.Offer and allocation of the 5 product sold in the OS 2013 (Spain  GRTgaz North and GRTgaz South  Spain), and once the allocation of these products known, then offer and allocation of GRTgaz North  GRTgaz South (two stages). This is preferred by French agents, since it would allow shippers to anticipate how the South of France will be supplied from Spain and to assess whether there is a need for additional supply in the South coming from the North before making commitments for GRTgaz North  GRTgaz South  As a result, the RCC meeting attendants agreed that a meeting with Stakeholders active in Spain and Portugal would be quickly organized in order to discuss French Stakeholders’ proposal of launching the 2015 OS in two steps IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV.3 OS phases

14  A meeting was held in Madrid on February 11 th with Portuguese and Spanish Stakeholders. Conclusions were: 1.Iberian shippers prefer the coordinated allocation of the 6 points as established in the Information Memorandum. The binding phase of the OS 2015 in two steps will provide shippers participating in the second step with a competitive advantage, since they’ll have additional information when requesting capacity. The Information Memorandum, published by the TSOs and agreed upon at the Stakeholders Group meeting of 15th July 2009, includes the offer of capacity in the direction GRTgaz North  GRTgaz South (point H) at the same time that capacity in the others points. There is also a risk of legal claims by shippers or any other concerned stakeholders if rules are not respected. For instance, a shipper could claim anticompetitive practices in the process. IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV.3 OS phases

15  A meeting was held in Madrid on February 11 th. Conclusions were (cont.): 2.Shippers required a clear and justified explanation on which infrastructures need to be built associated to the OS 2015, as well as their costs. They expressed the need for avoiding redundant facilities or including all the cost of facilities to built associated with this interconnection 3.Finally, shippers required tariff visibility. They showed their preference for a French tariff that assures competition among gas from all sources entering into the French gas system. 4.With regard to investments, shippers required also a detailed justification of the use of the European Recovery Funds assigned to the projects. IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV.3 OS phases

16 CAPACITY PRODUCTS TO BE OFFERED 1.Products in the two directions: Spain-France interconnection: three possibilities TIFG-GRTgaz South GRTgaz South-GRTgaz North 2.Capacity (GWh/day) offered at every interconnection point 3.Economic test and tariff visibility 4.Capacity availability date (start of the services) 5.If Midcat and Irún/Biriatou are built, joint allocation, separate contracts? IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 Issues to be defined ALLOCATION RULES, CONTRACTS, SHIPPERS OBLIGATIONS…

17 1.Products in the two directions: Spain - France interconnection: three possibilities a)Spain-TIGF connection, b)Spain-GRTgaz South connection c)Spain-TIGF and Spain-GRTgaz South connections IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 Issues to be defined D+B F H C+A E G

18 2.Capacity (GWh/day) offered at every interconnection point IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 Issues to be defined

19 3.Economic test and tariff visibility  With current entry tariff from Spain to France, evaluation of requested capacity that it is necessary to build: MIDCAT + Irún/Biriatou ( GWh/d N-S and GWh/d S-N) MIDCAT MC2 (144 GWh/d N-S and 184 GWh/d S-N) MIDCAT MC1 (64 GWh/d N-S and 184 GWh/d S-N) MIDCAT MC0 (0 GWh/d N-S and 184 GWh/d S-N) Irún/Biriatou (48 GWh/d N-S and 48 GWh/d S-N) IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 Issues to be defined

20 Documentation that needs to be produced by TSOs for the binding phase of the 2015 OS: Update of the Information Memorandum, indicating:  Products to be sold (connection Spain – France)  Capacities to be offered at every interconnection point  Economic test Allocation rules Application forms Non-disclosure agreements Letter of commitment Contracts IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV. Open Season Procedure: OS 2015 IV.4 Calendar and next steps

21  Next SG meeting on March 16 th in Paris  Next IG meeting at the beginning of April, (7 th of April) V. AOB and next meeting