GSE Aggregated Stock Inventory Recent and upcoming developments NW GRI 5th Stakeholder Group Meeting 9 June 2009, Paris Mylène Poitou GIE Executive Secretary.


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Presentation transcript:

GSE Aggregated Stock Inventory Recent and upcoming developments NW GRI 5th Stakeholder Group Meeting 9 June 2009, Paris Mylène Poitou GIE Executive Secretary

Aggregated Stock Inventory: History GSE Initiative started in January 2007 From January 2007 to October 2007, aggregation in four “Regional Initiative Regions” ( North and North West separated) 25 SSOs joined the initiative (22 GSE members – 3 non members)

GSE ASI Current Status Accuracy level improved – 100 % since January 2009 Since October 2007, aggregation per hubs => 8 hubs since 28 May 2009 (NBP & Zeebrugge splitted) Early publication (Wednesday instead of Thursday) in January 2009 GSE members are moving towards automatic data posting (around 10 fully automatic up to now)

 In February 2009, regulators from NW GRI approached GSE to inquire about possibilities to upgrade ASI  GSE held internal discussion on the increase of data publication frequency to daily and on additional type of data to be included  Additionally, GSE approached 25 non-member SSOs from across Europe inviting them to join the ASI platform, as well as the GSE members not having joined yet  GSE discussed further with NW GRI regulators and storage users (EFET, Eurogas)  Based on external and internal discussions, a proposal was submitted to the GSE Plenary on the further upgrade of the GSE ASI to increase publication frequency and include additional information (ahead of the Third Package obligations). Recent Developments

Recent Developments : results up to date 3 GSE Members agreed to join the initiative including Wingas (+ 4.6 bcm maximum working volume added to Germany hub) NBP & Zeebrugge published separately since 28 May On 5 May 2009, the GSE Plenary approved the switch to daily publication for the following types of information per hub area (in line with the agreed timeline): Aggregate stock levels and the indication of the percentage full, Aggregate inflows (as a sum per each hub of inflows), Aggregate outflows (as a sum per each hub of outflows)

 1 June 2009 – 31 August 2009: Preparation of the IT solution and necessary upgrades  1 September 2009: Start of offline pilot testing with real data from some SSOs  1 October 2009: Daily platform goes online, with SSOs who are ready to publish daily Some members are concerned that if only one SSO is able to move to daily publication in a given hub area, data confidentiality could be compromised  1 December 2009: All SSOs start publishing daily, with weekly data also available online through a separate section on the website Implementation timeline The GSE initiative to provide daily information to the market is ahead of the Third Energy Package and confirms the commitment to transparency by GSE members and participating SSOs