Stakeholder approach to identification of Critical Success Factors & KPIs WG2 – COST Action Weimar, Germany March 2012
WG2 Title - ‘Success factors and Key Performance Indicators’ Targets PPP implementation by identifying success factors leading to successful projects and KPIs able to monitor performance.
Tasks Task WG2-2: Compilation of PPP literature data-base on Barriers and Enablers and KPIs. Task WG2-1: Compilation of PPP Case Study data-base. Task WG2-3: Comparative study to identify Success Factors and barriers to success. Task WG2-4: Comparative study to Identify and Propose KPIs. Task WG2-5: Modelling of correlation between success factors and KPIs.
Development of Performance Objectives Literature Review Database – Completed Literature Review – Completed Case Study Template – Nearing the end Case Study Database – To be started within the next few months Summary of Work Carried Out
Performance – Different levels National Perspective Mode of Transport Type of PPP Stakeholders Stages Concepts (policy, regulation, etc) Focus: Focus of the project will be on Performance of PPPs itself. So, no comparison will be made with other procurement modes. KPIs – KPIs will be built upon the Worldbank performance indicators: effectivness, efficiency, sustainable, relevance, impact. AWG1 AWG2 KPIs
Step 1: Performance Definition Step 2: Objectives (at Different levels) Step 3: Criteria (Based on KPIs and CSF) Step 4: Benchmarking Step 5: Performance Analysis and Improvement
Focusing on the critical success factors according to the stakeholder objectives has two main benefits: 1.It enhances the understanding of which factors stakeholders across different countries and different types of transport projects consider important for the success of their PPP projects and 2.It identifies areas that future PPP stakeholders should pay special attention to in order to obtain high performance. Purpose
The stakeholders’ performance objectives including CSF are defined using a brainstorming session by the WG2 members. The main focus of this brainstorm is to identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) and critical success factors (CSFs) as successful PPP delivery requires Defining stakeholders’ performance objectives including CSF
Private sector objectives Public sector objectives Users objectives Performance Objectives – Main Stakeholder Groups
Strategic Operational Financial Risk Things to consider: Political Social Performance Objectives : Sub-Elements
Private Sector Objectives
User Objectives
Development of Performance Objectives
Literature Database
67 Articles were reviewed by different members of the group. The final results table looks like this (show them an example). Rough results emerged from the literature review (show them an example). Literature Review
Case studies – Give some examples using some case studies done by Sheila, Athena and Rosario. Next Stage