Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Joint EEA-UNEP “Regional Workshop on Environmental Information Management” Ministry of.


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Presentation transcript:

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Joint EEA-UNEP “Regional Workshop on Environmental Information Management” Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning GIS in Macedonia

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning GIS in MacedoniaOBJECTIVES Coordination - Between the users and providers of information - Legal gaps and responsibility overlapping - Data standardization - Institutional & organizational aspects - Access to data & data ownership protection - Establishment of “GIS data market” Coordination - Between the users and providers of information - Legal gaps and responsibility overlapping - Data standardization - Institutional & organizational aspects - Access to data & data ownership protection - Establishment of “GIS data market” Data production and distribution - Definition of data production priorities - Definition and implementation of metadata repositories - Initialization processes for: Remote sensing Digital photogrametry Digital cartography Data production and distribution - Definition of data production priorities - Definition and implementation of metadata repositories - Initialization processes for: Remote sensing Digital photogrametry Digital cartography Research & development - Project preparation and implementation - Planning, modeling, … - Education & training Research & development - Project preparation and implementation - Planning, modeling, … - Education & training

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Information Institutions Processes Legislation PeopleHardwareSoftware GIS in MacedoniaOBJECTIVES

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Application Security Location Referencing System Data Miner Geographic Information System Asset Data Repository Data Analyser Core Components Data CaptureDevices Field Based Information Systems Mobile Components Business Layer User Interface Templates Published Components Maintenance Managemen t Whole Life Management Operational Managemen t User Managemen t Resource Managemen t Operations Management GIS in Macedonia OBJECTIVES – System View

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning GIS in Macedonia Current situation – MOEPP organization MEOPP Spatial databases Centralized RDBMS Centralized RDBMS Middle Ware Middle Ware USERS Government bodies Business Entities Public Enterprices INTERNET users MOBILE users Non-Spatial databases WEB servers GIS Application servers

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning GIS in Macedonia Current situation – GIS databases VECTOR data: -Roads -Settlements -Territorial division (municipalities) -CORINE database -Hydrographic network -Railways -Cadastre of polluters (on going)... Digital Elevation Model ( 20 meters spatial resolution) Digital Orthophotos (SPOT panhromatic - 10 meters)

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning GIS in Macedonia Current situation – GIS databases EXAMPLES

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning GIS in Macedonia Current situation – GIS databases EXAMPLES

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning GIS in Macedonia Current situation – GIS databases EXAMPLES MEPP 7 HMA 19 CHPI- Skopje 7 CHPI-Veles 3 “Investa” 2 Air Monitoring Stations

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning GIS in Macedonia Current situation – GIS databases EXAMPLES Air Monitoring Stations MEPP 4 HMA 9 CHPI- Skopje 7

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning GIS in Macedonia Current situation – GIS databases EXAMPLES Surface Water Monitoring Stations Hydrological network of HMA

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning GIS in Macedonia Current situation – GIS databases EXAMPLES Surface Water Monitoring Stations RIMSYS Stations

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning GIS in Macedonia The future - OBJECTIVES 5. To development and strengthen the existing GIS related ICT resources 3. Definition and creation of METADATA information 2. Continuous spatial data production and geo-referencing of non-spatial information 6. Support of e-Governance principles 1. Creation and adaptation of spatial data specifications 4. Definition of communication and data exchange procedures (for Public Administration) 4. Definition of communication and data exchange procedures (for Public Administration)

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning e-Government means exploiting the power of ICT to help transform the accessibility, quality and cost- effectiveness of public services, and to help revitalise the relationship between citizens and the public bodies who work on their behalf. GIS in MacedoniaE-Governance

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning GIS Specific Technology Solutions & Services GIS in MacedoniaE-Governance

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning GIS in Macedonia E-Governance – System View Spatial and non-spatial databases Basic infrastructure Access channels Citizens, Legal Entities Organizational hierarchy

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Reveal citizen needs Locate citizen’s requirements Understand citizen demographics Locate resources near citizen Locate citizen on the wireless Web To… From E-Governance – Process View GIS in Macedonia

Skopje, 11.IV.2005Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Joint EEA-UNEP “Regional Workshop on Environmental Information Management” Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning GIS in Macedonia Thank you!