What you need to know about career choice today Supporting your child with his/her career choice is finding a balance between individual wishes and existing.


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Presentation transcript:

What you need to know about career choice today Supporting your child with his/her career choice is finding a balance between individual wishes and existing possibilities. internalexternal This process is influenced by internal and external factors. Rarely there is success without compromise! This presentation helps you collect information and develop a strategy.

Your presence is important at this stage. The process of choosing a future profession is very important in Germany. It helps youths develop a life perspective for the time after school, and it supports them by providing necessary information on professional training and the labour market when taking the first step from school desk to work life. Ministry for Culture (Kultusministerium) Federal Employment Agency In Germany, the process is coordinated by two institutions: the Ministry for Culture (Kultusministerium) of your federal state go to Glossary/Concepts/Certificates Kultusministerium and the Federal Employment Agency. go to MO/Partners/ Employment Agency In Saxony, career orientation is taken seriously and has become an important part of interdisciplinary lessons at school with a special curriculum complemented by school-specific measures for implementation. go to Glossary/Concepts/Career orientation Still: This process cannot be accomplished without your help! This process cannot be accomplished without your help! We know this from surveys we carried out with youths with a migration background in Leipzig and the region. Here is irrefutable proof for the role you play in this process:

Young people have their own criteria for choosing a career...

and they develop infomation strategies of their own!

Your child counts on your support. Talk to your child!

From dream career to a certificate – this is how it can be done Internal factors influencing a decision interestswishes Do you know the interests go to Parents/Together let's/Interst check and wishes go to Parents/Together let's/ “What's my dream profesison really like?" of your children? Conclusion: Conclusion: Discuss the question „What do you want to become?“ fora start. profession in Germany - Learning a profession in Germany - go to U18/„A“/professional training in Germany How does is work? Conclusion: Conclusion: Collect information!

From dream career to a certificate – this is how it can be done External factors influencing a decision Current demographic situation in Germany Changing markets and a new employee profile Influence of global economic developments on the changing German labour market

Current demographic situation in Germany Germany's birth rate has been on a low level for decades. This means: There are less children born then old people die. Direct consequence: The number of potential employees on the labour market is decreasing. This statistically improves chances for your child to find employment with adequate professional training. here For the demographic situation in the federal states please have a look here. go to MO/Links/Statistics/Statistical Office/coordinated population calculation Conclusion: Conclusion: Your children have a professional perspective in Germany. The condition is good basic training!

Situation on the labour market in Germany High unemployment rate The number of unemployed people school leaving certificate The number of unemployed people go to U18/MO/Statistics/Unemployed under 20 in Germany is very high and is still increasing because of the current eceonomic situation! This especially applies to youths who hold only a low or no school leaving certificate go to O18/MO/Links/2nd national education report at all and who have no professional qualification. Another risk group are people whose qualification is not up to date any more. Statistically, male youths with a migration background without any school leaving certicate are most affected by unemployment. Conclusion: Conclusion: A good school leaving certificate improves chances on the labour market! Qualifications quickly expire! For this reason: possible developments make long-term plans For this reason: When choosing a career, consider possible developments go to MO/Partners/Employment Agency/Professions from A-Z and make long-term plans! go to Parents/GlossaryConceptsCertificates/Further training Lack of skilled employees As a consequence of fast technological developments and increasing globalization of the markets, the demand for (highly) skilled employees is on the increase. jobs rest vacant Every year, hundreds of thousands of jobs rest vacant go to MO/Links/Statistics/Work statistic of the Employment Agency/vacant posts, that cannot be attributed because there are no qualified candidates. Conclusion: Conclusion: Also on the labour market there are trends and suddenly popular professions! For this reason qualified information sources For this reason : Rely on qualified information sources go to MO/Employment Agency for your decision!

Changing markets - Factors on the labour market High innovation speed Globalization World market Quick growth periods Fast analysis of demand Efficient staff policies International presence or network Companies Flexible Can be employed in different fields Sound professional qualification Foreign language skills Intercultural competence Employees

Consequences of economic change on career choice and professional training processes professional training On an ever changing and technologized economic market, professional training is always characterized by the specific time and must continually be updated. successful start into work life Professional training will always keep its importance for a successful start into work life. Work periods will alternate with qualification periods more often than now. informal learning In this scenario, informal learning go to O18/E1/ Alternatives gains more attention. Conclusion: Conclusion:Professional training is necessary for a successful start into work life. But watch out - it is no garanty for lifelong professional success! Conclusion: Learning Conclusion: With increasing importance of professional qualification, Learning go to U18/“L“ is getting more relevant! Because only if you know your learning habits, use learning methods appropriately for the specific target and are able to integrate new content into existing knowledge, you will learn efficiently. Educational path Professional training

Changing markets - a new employee profile FormalQualifica-tion Formal Qualification Motivation and willingness to perfom Ability to work in a team and other social skills Networked, logic and holistic thinking, creativity International and intercultural competence Organisational, planning and management skills The high speed of technological development and market changes force companies to act quickly and efficiently. This is mirrored in their employment policy: The companies look for staff with broad formal qualification who possess additional skills that enlarge their possible areas of work. In contrast to formal qualifications which expire quickly, skills keep developing and are permanently updated. Conclusion: resource Conclusion: In a globalized world, your biculturality is no obstacle! Consequently use and develop this resource go to GlossarySchoolsystem conceptsCertificates/Elaborated code and work to your advantage!

The new employee profile and perspectives for professional development additional skills The increased demand for flexibility, mobility and interculturality draws more attention to additional skills in daily work life of a knowledge and information society. additional and are essential for the development of whether a career or not Just as a formal qualification (profession) improves chances on a successful start into work life, additional skills and further training are essential for the development of an employee's working potential and their desirability on the labour market. These are the factors that will decide whether a career will be successful or not. Conclusion: check of your situation Conclusion: Additional skills are essential for professional success! Try a check of your situation ! go to Parents/Parents/Is my child ready?/See for yourself CareerProfession

See for yourself! This is the result of our survey among employers

Summary of the most essential facts Career choice is a long-term process which is institutionally organized, but which also concerns individual needs of your child. Do not leave your child alone! Support your child! Do not leave your child alone! Support your child! Show interestShow interest go to Parents/It's your turn/How well are you prepared for your child's wishes and plans for the future. Collect informationCollect information go to Parents/It's your turn/How well are you informedt? on possibilities for their realization. Have a conversation with career counsellors. go to checklist Conversation with counsellor Be realistickeep an eye how much time there is leftBe realistic go to Parents/Is my child ready?/See for yourself and keep an eye on how much time there is left go to Parents/It's your turn/Career choice plan for the process. Do not forget your original language and culture!Do not forget your original language and culture! They may become an important factor in your children's qualification! go to Glossary Schoolsystem Concepts Certificates/Elaborated code and work Stand by your child Plan „A“ !Stand by your child in case Plan „A“ go to Parents/What to do in case of rejections did not work out!

My child... … knows exactly what he/she wants to do professionally. … knows exactly what he/she wants to do professionally. go to Parents/What does your child want/knows exactly what he or she wants to do... has no concrete career wish yet.... has no concrete career wish yet. Parents/What does your child want/No concrete career wish … has many interests and ideas. … has many interests and ideas. go to Parents/What does your child want has many interests and ideas … still has a lot of time for making a decision. … still has a lot of time for making a decision. go to Parents/What does your child want/has a lot of time … is not ready yet. … is not ready yet. go to Parents/What does your child want/is not ready yet

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