Medication records and e-Prescriptions Denmark MedCom Danish Centre for Health Telematics Ib Johansen, MI
e-Prescriptions – Medication records Denmark MedCom Danish Health Sector Danish Health Care data Network e-Prescribing –ETP –Support systems Medication Record
MedCom The Danish Health Care Data Network FynCom The Funen Health Care Data Network International Projects CoCo, Primacom, Wise, Picnic, Prestige, OpenECG, Baltic-eHealth...
Danish Health Sector 63 (41)Public hospitals – Beds >10 private hospitals- < 150 Beds 3400 GPs (2000 clinics) 804 Private specialists Part time 331 Pharmacies 2700 Dentists (1650 clinics) 1793 Physiotherapist (550 clinics) 225 Chiropractors 546 Psychologists 15 Counties/Kbh/Frberg/Bornholm 271 Municipalities 1 private Health Insurance
2006/07 Danish Health Sector 63 (41)Public hospitals – Beds >10 private hospitals- < 150 Beds 3400 GPs (2000 clinics) 804 Private specialists Part time 331 Pharmacies 2700 Dentists (1650 clinics) 1793 Physiotherapist (550 clinics) 225 Chiropractors 546 Psychologists 5 Regions 98 Municipalities 1 Private Health Insurance
VANS All using national MedCom EDI / XML-standards
Why making Prescriptions electronic ?
Readable No retyping No misuse Medicine ready when patient show up Accessible from all Pharmacies Reuse of data from GP to Pharmacy Reuse data for Medicine profile / medication record Health Telematics Danish Centre for MedCom ijo ©
Prescriptions = 73% Prescriptions = 87% Disch. Letters = 85 % Disch. Letters = 88 % Lab.reports = 82 % Lab.reports = 98 % Referrals = 60 % Referrals Reimbursement = 92 % GP´swithEDI : 2150 = 98 % SpecialistswithEDI: 639 = 80 % HospitalswithEDI : 63 = 100% Pharmacies withEDI: 331 = 100 % Doctors onCall: 15 = 100 % Health Insurance: 17 = 100 % 79messages/min Lab Requests = 15 %
VANS e-Prescriptions Denmark
E-Prescriptions Supporting systems-Patient
E-Prescriptions Supporting systems-Patient
E-Prescriptions Supporting systems-Patient
E-Prescriptions Supporting systems, GP X
E-Prescriptions Supporting systems, GP Common Data Foundation (CDF) Updated electronically every 2nd week Drug ID –Content generic, –Strength, –Package: size, price, –Form(i.e. tabl, liq) –Substitution –ATC code –Dosage and indication –Warnings, traffic –Dosage text –Indication text –And more
E-Prescriptions Supporting systems, GP Patient Electronic Medicine profile (PEM) (Medication Record)
e-Prescriptions Denmark E-Prescription server VANS
E-Prescriptions Supporting systems, Pharmacy, Common Data Foundation
E-Prescriptions Supporting systems, Pharmacy, Common Data Foundation CTR National Medicine Account database <75 €, €, €
E-Prescriptions Supporting systems, Pharmacy, Common Data Foundation CTR National Medical Account database
E-Prescriptions Supporting systems, Pharmacy, Common Data Foundation CTR National Medical Account database Reimbursement County (1/month)
E-Prescriptions Supporting systems, Pharmacy, Common Data Foundation CTR National Medical Account database Reimbursement County (1/month) Private Health Insurance (1/day)
E-Prescriptions Supporting systems, Pharmacy, Common Data Foundation CTR National Medical Account database Reimbursement County (1/month) Private Health Insurance (1/day) PEM
GP-Clinic Prescription /orders Patient
From Hospitals
Medicine Prescribed / not prescribed.
CTR Account 100 % refunded
2.nd fase Medication record –On the way to a National Medication database –Accessible using national certificate through Health Portal –For Health professionals and citizens –Reuse data, based on e-Prescriptions E-Prescriptions Medication database