Addressing the challenges of sustainable rural social enterprises. Anne MacDonald Culture & Third Sector Team, Strengthening Communities Group.
The Purpose To focus the Government and public services on creating a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth.
H.I.E. Area
Sub-header Body text or bullet point minimum size Please delete any unused slides Population Source: GROS Census
Survey Recommendations Education - raising the emphasis of current further and higher education provision and developing the potential of the UHI Millennium Institute for students in and from outside the region; Employment - improving perception of local employment; promoting other routes such as self- employment and raising awareness of prospects in traditional and emerging sectors; Environment - working to improve access to affordable housing, enhancing public transport, and promoting the region's unique culture, natural assets and its city.
Unemployment Source: Claimant Count (NOMIS) 2001: above Scotland and GB 2009: below Scotland and GB
Sectors of employment Source: Annual Business Inquiry (ONS), 2007 data
How are we addressing these challenges?
Area Challenges Fragile area criteria Average household income Distance from a medium sized service centre Population change between last two censuses Population density
Fragile Areas Social Enterprises BOGs TRAPs Non Fragile Areas Whole Communities Crofting Micro - businesses Growth at the Edge
Selected on fragility (demographic, geographic and economic) Anchor Organisation A social enterprise with community development objectives Works with whole community Employs Local Development Officer Develops a sustainable revenue stream HIE nominated ‘account manager’ for each community Exit strategy Community Account Management – Process
Strengthening Communities Key sectors Arts & Culture Community renewable energy Community land & asset management Gaelic language
Building Capacity
Account management of social enterprises Proactive Individuals/teams assigned to work with clients Holistic approach to growth
Mareel (Shetland)
Storas Uibhist acres of land Population of approx people 850 tenant crofters Askernish Golf course.
Indicators of success Community-led economic and social growth Enhanced community capacity Improved community incomes Sustainable community action planning Dynamic, creative communities Improving population trends Greater cohesion between communities
Isle of Gigha Heritage Trust Scotland’s first grid-connected community-owned windfarm (3 second-hand wind turbines) Energy for all of Gigha and for export to the mainland Forecast net annual income of £100K Long term financial sustainability
Aspirations A growing population in every part of the area A more diverse employment base Higher incomes in real terms World-rated attractiveness of natural and built environments And an open-arms approach to attracting people – an international shop window for Scotland