CEN WS/BII2 1 Spreading interoperability in eProcurement processes across Europe Open Seminar Brussels December 6, 2012
CEN WS/BII2 The Irish case Edmund Gray and Padraig Harte (IT Sligo, Ireland) Ireland has taken advantage of - and in turn contributed significantly to - CEN/BII models and PEPPOL specifications, to build its national eInvoicing architecture. 2
The Irish case An evolving success story
The Irish case An evolving success story Edmund Gray BSc Institute of Technology Sligo Project Technical Lead Padraig Harte BSc MA Institute of Technology Sligo Lecturer in Computing Project Coordinator
Presentation Overview Project scope Goals and Objectives Participants Issues PEPPOL Experiences Benefits Road Map
Scope of Pilot Setup by the National Multi-stakeholder Forum on e-Invoicing which is chaired by the National Procurement Service. To enable business, particularly SMEs, to efficiently send e- invoices to Government agencies. To provide an interoperable and standards based infrastructure. C ost reduction environment. Innovative environment S ecure, reliable, transparent environment
Goals and Objectives Goal setup and test an interoperable infrastructure of approved Access Points for the exchange of e-invoices with Government Agencies Objectives Realise benefits Provide Governance Facilitate Adoption Self maintaining Independence Flexibility
Participants National Procurement Service – Project Management. Institute of Technology, Sligo – R&D, Technical Lead. Forum Sub Committee – review Buyers systems integration. Government Departments - Buyers; Office of Public Works, Health Service, Local Government, Defense, Justice, Enterprise Ireland. Selected Businesses – Suppliers to Government.
Issues to resolve Service Providers Large buyers tend to work with a single Service Provider. Government require an open standards based system suitable for eProcurement. Suppliers do not understand the benefits and may be forced to use more than one Service Provider. Compliance Pilot is run in compliance with existing and new VAT Legislation IE MSF requirement to implement standards based on CEN EU Core Invoice – UN/CEFACT. The system needs to be open and transparent Facilitate the use of business controls as defined by eINV3 CEN CWA to satisfy the Integrity and Authenticity of all Invoices.
SP n Buyers Service providers Suppliers Current situation with e-invoicing G1G1 s1 SP 1 s4s4 s3s3 s2 G2G2 B1 SP 2 G4 S5 How does S5 connect to G2 or G1? What happens when the numbers increase? PEPPOL Solution EU PEPPOL Specification (Governance, Standards (BII), Interoperability (AS2)) SnSn G3
Experiences PEPPOL Providing transport infrastructure to link existing services providers. Providing Governance to assure fair play among users. CEN BII Standardised documents Aligned to various business processes Assuring interoperability between Service Provider systems Service Providers Provide conformness to Data protection and Archiving rules as required by law. Provide the last mile to both Buyers and Suppliers – maximising on- boarding. Provide added value services to maximise benefit and innovation Fallback Experienced ICT Companies used. 14 other Countries already involved who are willing to share experiences also.
Benefits Buyer and Seller can select their preferred pre-approved Service Provider. - Some solutions are free. - Added value services cost more but return more. Studies suggest many implementations have an ROI of less than 1 year However System Setup will require resources and should be factored (on-boarding focus). Higher costs depend on whether you require a project or an add-on module.
Road map Current Announcement by Minister responsible of commitment to PEPPOL based on successful pilot demonstration. All Public Bodies should prepare to accept eInvoicing as soon as possible. Date set to mandate e-invoices for all public sector using PEPPOL Roll out Specify dates of acceptance by all Public Bodies starting from Jan 2013 – announcement due soon.. Future Dissemination for awareness among all stakeholders Include documents such as Purchase Orders. Investigate ePrior further. Investigate setting up as a PEPPOL Authority.
Contact: Edmund Gray Padraig Harte Thank you