The law 1.Parnets hand in a application form to The National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. 2.A commission tests a child – in a decision it is set: school, special equipment, hours of special help (school, Institue), ways of testing, adaptations needed... 3.School contacts Institue for blind and partially sighted, if a child is not accepted at our school.
OUR WORK Kindergarten, Elementary school, Secondary school, Inclusion.
Itinerary teacher – coordinator in inclusive classroom Children (aged 0 to 19) from: Ljubljana, Gorenjska, Koroška, Primorska, Štajerska, Prekmurje, Dolenjska.
IN THE SCHOOL WE GO TO Advising the teachers, school counsellors, headmasters; Class – observations;
IN THE SCHOOL WE GO TO Test of the sight; Giving information about novelties (books, laws, new instruments...); Helping to get special equipment (computers, magnifiers...);
IN THE SCHOOL WE GO TO Lectures for the teachers – test of the sight, Lectures for the students, Workshops for the students and the teachers,
IN THE SCHOOL WE GO TO Individual work with a child; Monitoring child`s progress (school, special education, as personality);
IN THE SCHOOL WE GO TO Preparing teachers for the blind and visually impaired student (class); Preparing the kindergartens, schools, parents, child for the change (level). Helping with decisions for elementary, secondary school;
IN THE SCHOOL WE GO TO Organizing special learning hours (orientation, computer skills, typing, self-help);
IN THE SCHOOL WE GO TO School meetings for setting an individual program for the child (3-times a year – ip, evaluation of ip, evaluation of ip and new goals); Other: -help at home, -counseling to other after school teachers (sports, music...), -...
IN THE SCHOOL and AT HOME Working with parents ( ); Writing reports for national tests (at the end of 2nd, 3rd triad and at end of secondary school);
IN THE SCHOOL and AT HOME Invitations to workshops, meetings, lectures, camps organized by ZSSM or other institutions;
AT OUR INSTITUTE Organizing workshops and lectures for parents and children (pre-school – high-school);
AT OUR INSTITUTE Working on different projects, conferences (OPTIC – an Inclusive classroom, ESS – Early language teaching, A creative and effective learning environment for the blind and visually impaired, Early intervention...).
+ in this job A great deal of variety. You respond when needed. You stay in the classrom as long as you want. A real environment (more than 3 hours). Instant advice. Constant contact with a child, parents, teachers. Children: “Itinerary teacher = my friend”. You can help other children too.
- In this job Teachers can get you wrong (a burden, control, inspection). School`s will of cooperation (to much work, responsibility). Parents` will of cooperation (school, environment, facing their own fears). School: “Itinerary teacher = we have to work”. A lot of traveling (20 – 400 km / day, up to 5 hours in a car, up to 12 hours away from home).
How to get the best of it? Cooperation: child, parents, school, itinerary teacher. Environment (schoolmates, class organisation). Doing your job, homework, reaching the goals. Feel, understand the other person. Working for life not for one lesson. Learn!