Gothenburg, Sweden, of May, 2012 Ocean planning as a tool for blue growth and smart specialization - Frederico Cardigos - European Maritime Day, 20 of May Marine and Maritime Innovation in the Outermost Regions: blue growth and smart specialization Luís Quinta
2000km 1200km 600km
Portugal Courtesy: EB1 Ermesinde, Portugal
The Azores is an autonomous region of Portugal; The Azores has an Autonomous Government; Regional Government in the continental platform: is entitled to manage fisheries and environment; is not allowed to deal with defense issues; has shared responsibilities on the remaining topics.
Sustainable development
KnowledgePlanResultsAct Revise the process Rui Prieto – ImagDOP
Environmentally important, rare and sensitive area 2 marine Ramsar areas; 3 UNESCO Biosphere Reserves; 12 OSPAR marine protected areas; 32 Blue Flags, for bathing areas excellence; 40 EU - Natura 2000 sites; 44+5 regulated marine protected areas; ca marine species; All the archipelago – QualityCoast, Gold Level, nº 1.
Summary Lessons learned Ocean planning in the Azores Looking to the future!
Monachus monachus
Lesson learned Biodiversity, specially in the islands, is fragile. ACTION: strict, comprehensive and adapted habitats biodiversity law.
Lesson learned: Negotiate with tools that you have! ACTION: negotiations depend on existing perspectives.
Origem: DRaC
Lesson learned: Do not impose what you can not enforce; Listen the local communities, trying to find broad consensus! Time arises new opportunities! ACTION: Local communities are stimulated to work together. RESULTS: 3 new MPAs are in place and are respected, plus 3 are being prepared. Protected area, efficient since 1998, and without any mandatory law; Archaeological artifacts are protected and have economical use. Ce que tu fait pour moi, sans moi, est contre moi!
Sand Extraction
Lesson learned Sustainable development is achievable! ACTION: Sustainable development is within government program and mirrored in common regional laws.
Invasive species 2002
Lesson learned: Invasive species demand immediate response! ACTION: Development of marine environmental monitoring programs.
Lesson learned Working together produces stronger results! ACTION: First law in RESULTS: Today we have 50 k tourists per year.
Marine Park of the Azores
Lesson learned Listen science and scientists! ACTION: Scientists are included in all consulting and reflection bodies in the Azores Government (i.a. DLR 28/2011/A); Science financed by the Azores has a regional framework (DLR 10/2012/A); and Sampling in the Azores is accessible and results have to be shared with local community (Nagoya Protocol already implemented through DLR 9/2012/A). RESULTS: Solidary decisions.
Lesson learned Studying, investigating and sharing of the results pays off! Ocean planning is a promising tool in order to find new uses ACTION: Marine Spatial Planning of the Azores in development phase.
Why Ocean Planning in the Azores? No large industries; No high pressures for use; Protected areas already established (h&b protected); For most present and foreseen uses rules are in place (fisheries, tourism, science and science sampling, minerals). The reasons for the Azorean MSP are: Planning should work as a sustainable inspiration for new uses, resulting in new jobs and economical outcomes; If we do not use, someone else will.
Objectives According to the legal mandate: The Azorean MSP main objective is to zone the uses in the maritime area of the archipelago increasing resources economical value and minimizing conflicts, thus contributing for the sustainable development of the Sea of the Azores in integrated approach. More than zoning, the Azorean MSP wishes to open spaces and suggest new uses.
Lead Core TeamGISOutreach Strategic Environmental Assement International Advisory Board Regional Comission
The value of the oceans Evaluate the current revenue; Compare it with the emerging activities; Include environmental and social variables; Suggest decisions; Decide! Ongoing work…
BIG GAME FISHING – DIRECT USE VALUE Total gross revenue € (Pico& Faial) 78768€ 27648€ 1584€ 5184€ 2016€ 17280€ 11520€
DIVING – DIRECT USE VALUE Total gross revenue € (Pico& Faial) 78768€ 27648€ 1584€ 5184€ 2016€ 17280€ 11520€ 3799€ 4899€ 1150€ 2061€ 3626€ 36343€ Canal 61424€ Monte Guia 16199€ 9457€ 12327€ Pico west coast 6480€ Pico around island
WHALE WATCHING – DIRECT USE VALUE Total gross revenue € (Pico& Faial) 78768€ 27648€ 1584€ 5184€ 2016€ 17280€ 11520€ 3799€ 4899€ 1150€ 2061€ 3626€ 36343€ Canal 61424€ Monte Guia 16199€ 9457€ 12327€ Pico west coast 6480€ Pico around island € € € € 1.650€ €
More than zoning, the Azorean MSP wishes to open spaces and suggest new uses.
Carbon Capture Algae; Deep sea.
Alternative energies
Offshore energy Courtesy: WindFloat – EDP and Power Principle
Deep sea minning
Still looking for new Opportunities…
Visit Azores!