EIE/07/057/S , 14 July Energy Efficiency is like a marriage:“Do it together!” Love at the first sight Oh! Wild romance Yes we can! (do it together) Hey there is something going on with the climate! Let’s go Kyoto! (and Copenhagen ) It is getting warm under the (CO 2 ) blanket
EIE/07/057/S , 14 July Energy Efficiency is like a marriage: “Do it together!” Wedding party A lot of fiddling about what to give and what to take “They are a long lasting happy couple: Healthy, Wealthy and Wise” Voluntary Agreement Use our EU Toolkit and the fiddling goes smoothly “They cleaned the atmosphere, saved money and they are still happy”
EIE/07/057/S , 14 July Why a Toolkit……? It helps to agree voluntary upon energy efficiency improvement between SME sector associations and governments to facilitate the implementation of ESD and NEEAPs to save energy and operation costs to meet Kyoto without red tape
EIE/07/057/S , 14 July Who made the Toolkit? 50%
EIE/07/057/S , 14 July Who are the Experts 1 European Industrial sectors: Ecsla Euratex Cinet ETSA EUPC National Industrial sectors: Waste water treatment sector (NL), Confederation of Industry (Cz), Hotel and Catering Industry (Fin, Gr), Foundries (S), Glass production (Pl), Paper (B), Cold store (F, B), Plastic converters (Hu,Es), Chemical Industry (B, S, Pl) Total 14
EIE/07/057/S , 14 July Who are the Experts 2 Ministries:Netherlands, Belgium (Flanders and Walloon), Sweden, Norway, Finland, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, Czech Republic Energy Agencies: Netherlands, Belgium (Flanders and Walloon), Sweden, Norway, Finland, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, Czech Republic, Romania
EIE/07/057/S , 14 July Let’s show the tools….
EIE/07/057/S , 14 July Expert appreciation 1 Detailed and comprehensive toolkit Good “trail” to follow User friendly considering the complexity Answers to many practical questions A good impression the do’s and don’ts for newcomers
EIE/07/057/S , 14 July Expert appreciation 2 Useful for the target group The LTA toolkit is good and helpful Very useful, even for renewal of existing LTA Comprehensive, it provides a list of key aspects to keep in mind It is a complete structure and justify the purpose for which originally has been developed
EIE/07/057/S , 14 July Experts conclude: Useful tools to set up LTAs or VAs between relevant parties aiming at energy efficiency improvement, CO2 and or cost reduction; To promote the use of the LTA Uptake toolkit by relevant target groups and audiences; To support future adjustments of the LTA Uptake toolkit by providing feed-back and suggestions for improvements
EIE/07/057/S , 14 July RESULTS June 2009Report on pilots (3 signed LTAs) National Workshops Final report VABEC proposal 2010 VABEC?Introduction of 2 national LTAs in Poland and Czech Republic, 5 Regional and local LTAs in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Spain LTA approach as Benchmark of Excellence in Covenant of Mayors Reach out over all Europe