Knowledge needs on POLIMP project Vlasis Oikonomou, Joint Implementation Network 18/11/2013, COP19 Side Event.


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Presentation transcript:

Knowledge needs on POLIMP project Vlasis Oikonomou, Joint Implementation Network 18/11/2013, COP19 Side Event

Much information is already available for climate policy stakeholders but the way the information is presented is often:  difficult to access  not in the right format  of limited use for stakeholders. Much information is already available for climate policy stakeholders but the way the information is presented is often:  difficult to access  not in the right format  of limited use for stakeholders.

Acronym: POLIMP Title: Mobilizing and Transferring Knowledge on Post-2012 Climate Policy Implications EC funding: 1.0 Million€ Start date: 1 st of May 2013 Duration: 3 years Acronym: POLIMP Title: Mobilizing and Transferring Knowledge on Post-2012 Climate Policy Implications EC funding: 1.0 Million€ Start date: 1 st of May 2013 Duration: 3 years


 where knowledge gaps exist  what future international climate policy directions may look like and…  what these imply for policy and decision makers internationally and within the EU.  where knowledge gaps exist  what future international climate policy directions may look like and…  what these imply for policy and decision makers internationally and within the EU.

Identify knowledge gaps on the implications for EU stakeholders of possible directions of climate policy making. Collect and synthesize knowledge of possible climate policy directions and their implications. Support policy and decision makers in taking well informed decisions, thereby reducing uncertainties and mitigating the risk.

Facilitate communication among various research components and knowledge dissemination among various stakeholder groups. Track down links between the outcome of the UNFCCC negotiations and EU-level and domestic policy actions in selected country-parties.

Stakeholders Module 1: Living climate policy database Module 2: Climate policy knowledge procession Module 3: Climate policy knowledge platform WP3 WP7 WP5 WP2 WP6WP4 Climate policy projects Climate policy negotiations Climate policy community of practice

POLIMP partners will assimilate the in-stock knowledge on climate policy issues in a running database. POLIMP will bring together findings from:  climate policy analysis projects;  legal studies;  studies on existing and new market mechanisms;  projects on international cooperation and technology transfer;  financial aspects of climate policy.

Coordination of the knowledge gained from:  research projects  policy making practices on the effects of the climate policies and the effectiveness of a new regime in delivering the mitigation objectives.

 Effective dissemination of the knowledge packages to the various stakeholder groups;  Knowledge presentation & access through searchable databases, dossiers, blog entries and newsletters;  Web-based knowledge platform reflecting the current state of the project;  Climate policy communication and knowledge exchange among targeted stakeholders.

Creation of a thematic knowledge base on climate change mitigation, adaptation, technology transfer, finance and market mechanisms. The knowledge collection and processing network will enhance the insights of policy and decision makers on possible courses of international climate policy making.

Reduction of the uncertainty of policy and decision makers and better understanding of the consequences of different policies and climate regimes. Trust among policy and decision makers so that they can strengthen their efforts for implementation of the ‘Climate and Energy package (20/20/20 targets)’.

Government officials: Refinement of arguments, Deepening the understanding of policy areas, Preparation for government statements ‘Useful information is by politicians not being recognized as relevant, since the debate is often not about the knowledge. It is a about political gains in the short term’



Contact Details Project Coordinator Dr. Vlasios Oikonomou Joint Implementation Network (JIN) Website: Dissemination leader Ass. Prof. Alexandros Flamos Ms. Chara Karakosta

Name: Vlasis Oikonomou Tel: