The World Health Report Research for Universal Health Coverage 1 |1 | Research for Universal Health Coverage The World Health Report 2013
The World Health Report Research for Universal Health Coverage 2 |2 | The gap between the present coverage of health services and UHC remains large We don’t know how to fill that gap in every setting The 2005 (WHA) and 2012 (UNGA) commitments to UHC launched an agenda for essential research Why is research essential?
The World Health Report Research for Universal Health Coverage 3 |3 | HIV/AIDS and TB towards universal coverage (but not there yet) Half of HIV-positive people eligible for antiretroviral treatment received it in 2010, and one third in M still in need. Fewer than 70% of TB cases were detected and reported in still true in Source: Lancet 381, (2013)
The World Health Report Research for Universal Health Coverage 4 |4 | Financial risk protection is patchy Where out-of-pocket expenditure is high in relation to total health expenditure; 150M people suffer catastrophic expenditure each year Source: WHO
The World Health Report Research for Universal Health Coverage 5 |5 | How operational research contributes… to universal health coverage
The World Health Report Research for Universal Health Coverage 6 |6 | Importance of OR under-stated Global expenditures and budget gap in TB R&D, 2010
The World Health Report Research for Universal Health Coverage 7 |7 | Setting national research priorities Brazil’s top 10 investments in health research, Source: HRPS 9, 35, 2011
The World Health Report Research for Universal Health Coverage 8 |8 | Operational and other kinds of research Translating evidence into policy and practice Source: BMC Pub Health 12, 683, 2012 ACT, artemisin-based combination therapies Hib, Haemophilus influenza type b vaccine Hep B, Hepatitis B vaccine ITN, insecticide treated mosquito nets RDT, rapid malaria diagnostic tests
The World Health Report Research for Universal Health Coverage 9 |9 | Operational research: diversity of skills Do conditional cash transfers stimulate demand for services? Conditional cash transfers can, in some circumstances, increase the use of health services and improve health outcomes (Cochrane 2009). CCT schemes in Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Malawi, Mexico and Nicaragua achieved: 27% increase in individuals taking up HIV testing (Malawi) 11–20% increase in children attending health centres in the previous month 23–33% more children <4 years old making preventive health-care visits. Accelerating child growth: increase in height of ≈1 cm among children up to 4 years old
The World Health Report Research for Universal Health Coverage 10 | Finding local as well as global solutions All nations need to do research Emergency obstetric care in Burundi EMOC facility plus ambulance transfer reduced maternal mortality One example of making progress to MDG5
The World Health Report Research for Universal Health Coverage 11 | Measuring progress towards UHC Indicators of e.g. the “fully vaccinated child”?
The World Health Report Research for Universal Health Coverage 12 | Monitoring R&D – research observatory Improved coordination for health R&D Financing Demonstration projects Stimulating R&D+ Funding, coordinating, monitoring for HSSR too WHO Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination (CEWG)