Department of Family and Community Medicine Medical University of Lodz Linneaus Euro-PC WP7 Maciek Godycki-Cwirko MD PhD FPh PHS Ania Kowalczyk MPH LINNEAUS EURO-PC is supported by the EU under FP7, Grant Agreement no
Three objectives Department of Family and Community Medicine Medical University of Lodz LINNEAUS EURO-PC is supported by the EU under FP7, Grant Agreement no
1.To work with WP2 to modify and develop a taxonomy and reporting system for errors in nascent organisations in Central and Eastern Europe Frankfurt, 17 September 2012 Department of Family and Community Medicine Medical University of Lodz 2. To develop a framework for the development of patient safety initiatives which can be used in nascent organisations
3. To develop and then disseminate expertise in consensus development methods, safety culture measurement, significant event audit and medication errors with a view to developing a research infrastructure for work in the area of patient safety in primary care Department of Family and Community Medicine Medical University of Lodz Frankfurt, 17 September 2012
1. Posters at the national Congresses of Family Medicine 2. Workshops at the national Congress of Family Medicine 3. Paper on errors, complains and assaults 4. Two Frankfurt workshops 5. Involvement of experts 6. Salzburg workshop 7. Linneaus taxonomy translated 8. Reporting system set 9. MaPSafT translated and piloted 10. Central Eastern European hub set 11. Two regional conferences delivered 12 Two studies on patient safety culture ongoing Department of Family and Community Medicine Medical University of Lodz Frankfurt, 17 September 2012
Thanks for your attention Department of Family and Community Medicine Medical University of Lodz Frankfurt, 17 September 2012