Developing a Quality Assurance Framework BEST project Kick off Meeting Doncaster February 2012
What is Quality? means different things to different people very few Member States use the same quality system and core criteria difficult to identify the causal link between a quality approach and the quality achieved difficult to measure the quality of non formal and informal learning
European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQUARF) a quality assurance and improvement cycle (planning, implementation, evaluation, revision) for vocational training Provides ways of monitoring performance - common quality criteria - indicative descriptors - indicators.
CEDEFOP 2003 “The challenge must be to measure what is valuable, rather than to value what is easily measured.”
Benefits: Quality assurance Quality Assurance Framework Establishes credibility through assessing, testing and reviewing Provides a framework for reviewing, evaluating and improving
Quality and Standardisation Quality Management system Set of Enterprise Competencies Set of indicators to measure against
Quality Management system Stage 1.Identify competence and assess against indicators Stage 2. Test the competences/indicators Stage 3. Conduct peer review against indicators Stage 4. Revise competencies/indicators