Bucharest Bucharest is the capital of Romania and is situated in the south- eastern part of the Romanian Plain, on the banks of Dambovita river.
Tradition Tradition and legends connect the founding of Bucharest with the name Bucur, who was either a prince, an outlaw or a shepherd; still, in Romanian, the word means “glad”, “joy”.
People People are highly concerned to find the best resources, in order to protect the environment and to diminish the negative effects of the different types of pollution.
The The project Eu-cology takes its course in School 149 and has a positive impact on the students.
early autumn days offered us the joy of discovering little miracles in the school- yard.
most different species of roses welcome us, as well as many garden flowers or tulips…
…some …some peonies hardly finding their way among the species of zinnia, daisy or wild carnation, all of them inviting us in a heavenly place.
The The students are taught to appreciate the beauty of the nature, as the ecological spirit is gradually developed.
biological pollution can be produced by the offals - sources of bacteria and viruses.
bottles, cans, tins or plastic containers, if left at random, may turn into toxic substances, ready to raise the effects of the chemical pollution.
Planting Planting new species and taking care of the existing ones could be our students’ favourite option.
In In the school-yard and all around it, we find magnificent old trees, such as the poplars, birches…
…oaks, …oaks, chest-nut or lime-trees.
Some Some fabulous nut- trees are to be found on the alleys to our school.
Policolor, Policolor, a modern and well known factory for the types of dye it produces, may unexpectedly turn into a source of chemical pollution.
The The wastes coming from the hospital “St. Constantin and Helen” are a genuine source of biological pollution.
In In the middle of the IOR Park, we find the peaceful oasis of a wonderful lake, already an endangered place.
At At the outskirts, there is a huge garbage area, Glina, a real danger for the people living nearby, whenever the security laws are broken.
Not Not far from it we discover Cernica Forest, a splendid area, unfortunately a major interest for the real-estate business.
There There are many schools, high-schools, markets and general stores in this part of the city and the dangers that may threaten people’s health and life are even more.
We We can damage the zone with our physical, thermic or phonic pollution or with the traffic jam we produce.
Our Our domestic wastes and those coming from our work place always turn into free chemicals and toxins.
We We must erase the negative effects of the pollution, we must do our best to protect the environment.
could ask for special garbage containers, so that the glass, paper or the plastic should be properly kept.
Let’s Let’s encourage the building of new shelters for the street cats and dogs!
There There is no future for our hildren, as long as we disregard the environment environment.
Can Can the children make the difference?
Definitely Definitely yes, keeping on having study trips, offering reasons to live for, easily finding topics to debate…
…and …and because they are the next mayors, politicians and members of Parliament.