SOCIAL CHANGES AS GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR SOCIAL WORK. CASE OF LITHUANIA Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy, Berlin, International Conference, 15th May 2014 WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme Progress With financial support from the European Union
WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS GLOBAL TRENDS Raising cost of social welfare Raising segregation in society Need for individualization Development of social services market * Raising emigration of labour force * Aging society * Deterioration of the mental health of society * Changing gender/ family role
WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS ELDERLY CARE o Need for services is raising. 23,6 prec. of Society is elderly people. At 2060 this number should raise to 38 prec. o Emerging need for specialized services (Parkinson, Alzheimer diseases) o Deinstitualization of services, forward community care and day care. o Standard for residential care services was adopted in 2007.
WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS FAMILY CARE o Number of children in poverty risk is about 20,8 prec. o Number of families in social risk is decreases slowly from in 2005, to in o Number of emigrants to other EU member states is raising from In recent 10 years we lost 10 prec. of population. o Children left without parental care because of emigration is about 250. o We still have over 179 residential care institutions for abandon children with 2 prec. of Lithuanian children living there.
WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES Due to globalization, mobility and EU regulation, equal opportunities becomes a crucial issue in social policy: o Raising number of woman organizations and political parties fighting against domestic violence and woman abuse. o Raising number of NGO fighting against discrimination and homophobia. o Raising number of NGO representing interests of families and human rights.
WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS COMMUNITY CARE: FROM WELFARE STATE TO WELFARE SOCIETY o Lithuanian has created a network of day care and community care institutions, such us group living homes for elderly or persons with disabilities. o Services at home was developed, integrating community needs and resources. o New multifunctional centers for local communities were created in rural areas.
WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS MODERNIZATION OF SOCIAL POLICY o Globalization and internalization of social policy. o Involvement of stakeholders in decision making. o Integrating issue of human rights into social regulation. o Social and economical cohesion for sustainable development. o Economization of social policy: need for management. o New skills of social professionals emerging new needs.
WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS NEW SKILLS FOR NEW NEEDS o.. Proc of woman involved in this sector. o Average salary of social workers is below average salary of other sectors. o Lack of competent professionals (first professional social workers were released in 1995). o Marginalized image of social work professionals and clients in the media. o Weak professional identity and professionals self- regulation.
WIT is a project funded under the EC Programme PROGRESS Thank you for your attention! This training material is supported by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity - PROGRESS ( ). This programme is implemented by the European Commission. It was established to financially support the implementation of the objectives of the European Union in the employment, social affairs and equal opportunities area, and thereby contribute to the achievement of the Europe 2020 Strategy goals in these fields. The seven-year Programme targets all stakeholders who can help shape the development of appropriate and effective employment and social legislation and policies, across the EU-27, EFTA-EEA and EU candidate and pre-candidate countries. For more information see: The information contained in this publication doesn’t necessarily reflect the position or opinion of the European Commission. The sole responsibility of this training material content lies with the author. The Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information here contained.