Podcasts as Learning Activities Learning Technologies Team Information Technology Service Martin Edney
2 Introduction Request from Bio-Sciences for help with using podcasts as alternative to certain lectures Idea came from wish to avoid a Professor repeating delivery of a lecture series 3 times to different audiences Their aim: −make recordings of lectures available to students as an alternative to repeated delivery My aim: −fulfill Bio-Sciences needs, but also explore use of recordings as a way to improve learning
3 Background Request Request from Bio-Sciences (via DVC Gill Nicholls) to give support in using podcasts to replace lectures Gill Nicholls is (reportedly) aware of use of podcasts at Monash University (Australia) for distance-learning (DL) students, and suggested this might be of interest to Bio-Sciences Motivation – not DL – nor to enhance learning Idea came from wish to avoid a Professor repeating delivery of a lecture series 3 times to different audiences Not ideal motivation, but an opportunity
4 Terminology Podcast Usually audio or video Strictly speaking, uses −RSS −Mobile player (e.g. iPod or MP3 player) −Podcast aggregator (e.g. iTunes) But Bio-Sciences staff mean Recording lectures Audio or video with supporting text documents Files on a web site (duo) when they say “podcast”
5 Opportunities Turn passive listening into a learning activity Turn lecture recordings into a more useful learning resource Enhance accessibility Integrate recordings with other learning activities (actionable theory) Constructivism – learning by doing - Biggs Attention span – break up material into shorter chunks Constructivism – need to help students make their own connections W3C guidelines – synchronised alternatives for multimedia Lecture Recordings study – second language “Lecture Recordings: extending access for students with disabilities” Constructive alignment – align recording material and other activities with module aims
6 Evaluation “Before” and “after” questionnaires of students Structured interviews with lecturing staff and technical staff These will feed into a written report
7 Conclusions Opportunity to influence how recordings are used − in this situation − in the future Potential difficulties −I can only influence the lecturer (may not adopt my suggestions) −learning risks −technical risks