Integration of Production Machinery Integration of Production Machinery is a pre-study within the newly started strategic innovation area Process Industrial IT and Automation (PiiA) Participating companines ABB Boliden Ericsson Komatsu Forest LKAB Mobilaris Volvo Construction Equipment From the academia Luleå University of Technology, coordinator SICS Swedish ICT Mälardalens Högskola Umeå University
Integration of Production Machinery The driving force behind the pre-study is the the potential that the integration of mobile production machinery have on the productivity in mining industry and the process industry. The Swedish mining company LKAB has been a front runner in this aspect. LKAB automated and integrated the loaders in the Kiruna iron ore mine in 1999, one of the worlds largest underground mines.
Integration of Production Machinery The main goal with the pre-study is to set up a road map for the integration of mobile production machinery in the mining and process industry. We are looking for partners interested in joining us in defining the future in this area.