1 S-CUBE Project Promoting Soft Skills in Social Enterprises: An Online Role Play Simulation Approach Plymouth Social Enterprise Network Meeting, March.


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Presentation transcript:

1 S-CUBE Project Promoting Soft Skills in Social Enterprises: An Online Role Play Simulation Approach Plymouth Social Enterprise Network Meeting, March 19, 2013, Hosted by Plymouth Community Healthcare, Plymouth J. Moizer, J. Lean, E. Dell’Aquila Plymouth University P. Walsh, D. O'Byrne Cork Institute of Technology “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

2 Introduction S-cube is a trans-European Leonardo Transfer of Innovation project – led by Plymouth University – partners: Naples University Federico II – Italy; CIT- Ireland; GePros – Germany – €265,000 grant for 2 year project The project aims to develop an on-line role play training experience to enhance soft skills of individuals working within Social Enterprises (SEs) – e.g. effective communication, leadership, negotiation, decision making, etc.

S-cube has adapted an existing 3D open source graphic multiplayer platform (EUTOPIA) to SEs. S-cube will involve designing customised training scenarios tailored to the training needs of SEs and then deliver training via educational RPS EUTOPIA allows trainers to design training scenarios and conduct experience-based learning activities through RPS remotely Methodology (1/2)

4 Methodology (2/2) Training scenario – Tested in UK, Ireland and Germany. – Software used to generate role play learning scenario based on the results of a dedicated training needs analysis (TNA). TNA to identify the SE soft skill needs of the specific training scenarios and inform scenario design – See White Paper for full results

5 TNA outcomes (1/3) 20 people were interviewed across numerous SEs in Ireland, UK and Germany 100+ survey responses to soft skill needs audit

TNA outcomes (2/3) As produced by partners - P. Walsh (CIT) & D. O'Byrne (University College, Cork)

7 TNA outcomes (3/3) Training scenarios reflect real life workplace situations where the application of soft skills can help to deliver superior outcomes. The expected result of this on-line training intervention will be an enhanced retention of know-how leading to the transfer of SS developed to the real workplace situations.

Skills assessment, training & evaluation FEEDBCKSCENARIO&SOFTFEEDBCKSCENARIO&SOFT SCENRIOSREVISIONSSCENRIOSREVISIONS STAGE 1 TNA STAGE 2 1 st Self-reflection phase STAGE 3 TRAINING STAGE 5 Final Self-reflection phase Face to face On-line STAGE 6 Evaluatio n of training STAGE 4 TRAINING Brief feedback on self-reflection Final report on self-reflection Nov 12-May 13 From Nov 12 Jul-Oct 13May 13-Jun 13 Up to Oct 13 Nov 13 Trained facilitators/tutors FOCUS GROUPS for designing scenarios FEEDBCKSCENARIO&SOFTFEEDBCKSCENARIO&SOFT

9 Wider applications of S-cube scenarios The S-cube software allows the development of reusable online training products – Sustainable – Adaptable – Engaging – Training or education Close the project with – Off the shelf training product – Full tutor material – Train the trainer support on request

10 Thank you ‘please visit our web site for more info: