Work package 8 Inequalities in summary measures of population health Prof. Pekka Martikainen & Dr. Netta Mäki Population Research Unit / Faculty of Social Sciences University of Helsinki
Aims of work package 8 To quantify the magnitude of socioeconomic inequalities in Healthy Life Years and Disability-adjusted Life-Years lost in selected European countries (measures) To assess the contribution of specific diseases and risk factors to inequalities (outcome) To estimate the potential for reduction in these inequalities under “counterfactual” distributions of socioeconomic determinants and risk factors (counterfactuals)
Summary measures of population health Healthy Life Years Sullivan method Based on SES-specific life-tables and prevalences of disease Disability-adjusted Life-Years lost DALYs Global Burden of Disease method Years of Life Lost (YLL) + Years Lived with Disability (YLD) High requirements for data in terms of comparability: feasible only for a limited number of countries
Outcome Many previous studies based on the Sullivan method rely on self reported health Comparability between countries may be compromised Alternatives: Chronic disease Diabetes Dementia Functional disabilites
Outcome / Example Source: Health survey
Measures / Example 1/2 Healthy Life Years: Disability-free life expectancy in Finland those aged 30–64 years Source: Finbalt –surveys in 1994, 1998, 2000, 2002 & 2004
Measures / Example 2/2 DALYs Brazil in 1998, all age groups included Source: Oliveira AF et al YLL=Years of Life Lost YLD=Years Lived with Disability
Counterfactual scenarios / For example What would be the SES differentials in Healthy Life Years if all SES groups experienced the morbidity level of the highest socioeconomic group What would be the SES differentials in Health Life Years if smoking rates were 20% lower in the higher SES groups and 35% lower in the lower SES group Results will be compared between countries to identify the lowest observed inequalities
Open issues HLY or DALYs or both? Selection of morbidity outcomes and their sources? Counterfactuals used?