From student to entrepreneur by transformation mini-companies into successful enterprises Initiative – introduction – aims – results –products St.Niklaas, BE, 6-10 December 2006Jos Paulusse
Entrepreneurship on all levels! Lithuania Mini- companies have started and will finish at graduation! Why?
THE NETHERLANDS Landstede – AOC Oost – NHTV EEP BELGIUM Syntra Midden Vlaanderen - VOKA BULGARIA EUROPE Veliko Turnovo University JADE Regional Development AgencyEfVET SPAIN CECE / college UNITED KINGDOM Edinburgh University Settlement Valorisation Development / testing / realisation / supporting Contractor Coordinator
This project aims: Create / acquire / select / stimulate target groups in 2007 & 2008 starting an enterprise (about 10) being graduated (diploma/certificate) AND CONTINUE THE STARTED ENTERPRISE
Our target groups: –Students in VET (secondry / higher education) –VET institutes / universities from theory to practice –Adults –All who want to learn about entrepreneurship, start their business during education and continue after graduation
My dream This? or This? My dream
We aim at: Continued entrepreneurship Bridging the gap between education and practice: from VET to Business Preparation of the student: –Business administration- business plan –Marketing- financial plan –Acquisition- marketing plan –Tax- risks –Insurances- loss & profit Entrepreneurial competence profile –Entrepreneurial qualities –Characteristics –Behaviour
Intended results: Insight how to coach these young entrepreneurs and recommendations A manual describing procedures Website with information / results Differences per partner country (rules, advices, finances and tax, etc.) Started enterprises
Some questions: What do we know about entrepreneurship? Manuals? –Do you have a manual? Do you need a manual? –Do you have / do you need training materials? Experiences? –Have you / your colleagues experience with entrepreneurship? Video materials –Is there video / DVD material available?
How can we get the required materials? -your regional colleagues -your partners -Internet (see next sheets) -chamber of commerce -economic institutes -special support groups (in NL: foundation Jong Ondernemen, Syntens (EZ/SZW), Ondernemersklankbord, etc. ) -buy a manual:
Stimulation : business plan competitions starters lift (idea presentations) students cooperating in a business creating business centres, joint business building shareholders, advisers, investors establish a support group in your region with bankers, directors of big companies, development agencies, insurance companies, etc.
Investments Youth Venture invests in young people Establish your financial support group Seed capital Support / coaching Starters should have an advice council / consultant Shareholders can have external force Future What about entrepreneurship after funding? Training program, refreshing courses, some contact seminars/workshops (learning by exchange of experiences)
Getting started-1 Think about: Acquisition of students Information / training entrepreneurship Ideas / needs of the market / your market Legal status Tax and agreements with your tax office (VAT, income tax, tax on profit, etc.) Registarion at Chamber of Commerce Third-party liability insurance Role and responsibilities of teaching staff
Getting started-2 Advice of experts: accountant, coach Investments: restrictions / risks / profit&loss Local regulations Combinations of job and entrepreneurship A lot of aspects to be taken care for. How are the rules and what kind of agrements can you make with your chamber / tax / insurance / accountant agencies. Try to involve these institutes (as advice committee) in your project.
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The VieDome project. VieDome is a fine example of a pioneering cluster at the cutting edge of technology and society. VieDome is a residential care concept in which domotics (the use of ICT in the home) and care are offered in a non-institutional setting. The concept makes it possible for people like Mrs. Mulhof (see photograph) to live in their own homes. VieDome was developed by Simac, Mextal BV, Kempenstreek Home Care and Aert Swaens Housing Corporation, with the support of the Province and Brabant Innovative Actions. Example-1
Example-2 Car wash If anyone ever saw my business partners and me together in one room, you would never think that we all owned a car wash. True, we might all be Arizona State University alumni who happen to be related, but it's not every day you see a team of eight real estate agents, engineers, scientists, and cocktail waitresses drawn together to start a company. In fact, none of us had a clue what it took to run a car wash in the first place. It took an ungodly amount of blood, sweat and tears to get from Point A to Point B, but eventually we got there. Within six months, the team took a struggling car wash and turned it into a passive-income generating asset.
Example-3 Two ladies have started with producing so-called birth shields and renting party boxes for children