COMENIUS - Tiny Signers Živa Ribičič, Vilnius, March 2012 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Tiny Signers project development in Slovenia Creation of the local networks Training programmes Training events Training materials Evaluation activities Dissemination activities Management activities Živa Ribičič, Vilnius, March 2012
Creation of the local networks Partners from Slovenia established following networks: Vocational schools for pre-school teachers Kindergartens Deaf clubs and deaf association European network: from previous projects, new contacts – new partners European network for special education: from previous projects, from contact seminar organized by national agency Center of the Republic of Slovenia for the mobility - CMEPIUS Živa Ribičič, Vilnius, March 2012
Training programmes For pre- school teachers: 2 seminars – 8 hours, 22 participants, teachers from vocational school and pre-school teachers For students in a secondary vocational school for pre-school teachers For children: 4 deaf and hard of hearing children in pre-school For children and parents: not running yet Živa Ribičič, Vilnius, March 2012
Exploitation Training events: For child care professionals For students in vocational school For deaf and hard of hearing children For children and parents Živa Ribičič, Vilnius, March 2012
Training materials Photographs of signs Songs for toddlers – for signing and singing Video with 100 signs Video with signs and songs for teachers and parents Video with songs and signs for child-care professionals and parents Živa Ribičič, Vilnius, March 2012
Evaluation activities Evaluation of training for students and curriculum (presented by Marjeta Domicelj) Evaluation of the study visits (Austrian partner in Slovenia, ZGNL in UK) Evaluation as a part of interim report Evaluation of training materials: songs and photographs Živa Ribičič, Vilnius, March 2012
Dissemination activities Events, seminars, festivals, open days: Contact seminar Adults with special needs in LLP – presentation and personal contacts – October 2011 Humanitarian Chestnut run- presentation at event – October 2011 Festival Vzgojiteljada – for all vocational schools for future pre-school teachers Seminar for child-care professionals organized by Ministry of education and CPI – November 2011 Open days for parents and students in ŠCRM – presentation and personal contacts - February 2012 Presentations in kindergartens – by students in March 2012 (during 2 weeks of practice work in Slovenia and Austria) Živa Ribičič, Vilnius, March 2012
Other dissemination activities Partners from previous projects Partners from new projects Živa Ribičič, Vilnius, March 2012