RE.LOAD Project 4 th Transnational Meeting Ostrava, 12 th and 13 th May 2011 Leonardo da Vinci Project LLP-LDV-TOI-09-IT-0458
Proposal for WP7 - Spain During the focus group, participants detected one of the important reasons for implementing the LARSA laboratories in the Spanish context: Need of supporting students in the transition phase from the educational stage to the labour market one. Starting point: Therefore: Development of “Switching LARSA”: Lab designed to help “switchers” to move from one study program to a different one.
Proposal for WP7 - Spain Contents: Training Module VET GOVERNANCE: - Need of local adaptation of the module. - Too much theory. LARSA contents: - Are there clear contents about the explanation of implementing LARSA? - What we have: too much theory and not well explained. Other internal contents: - possibility of using other internal contents related to labour orientation – but not related to LARSA.
Proposal for WP7 - Spain Other elements: F2F sessions or e-learning?: - In both cases, tutor/trainer subcontracted. - How many sessions? It depends on used contents. Participants: - How many participants? -They are going to implement what they learned during the transfer phase. Evaluation: - Questionnaire. - Same answers for everybody? And if the LARSA implemented are different in Partners countries?
Thank you!