Greetings from WINTER to SPRING
Christmas time at Berry Hill – everyone enjoys a special Christmas meal and even Mrs Jones helps serve the dinner.
Father Christmas comes to see the children and we have fun dancing and playing party games.
The Infant children performed a special Christmas play – The Wriggly Nativity.
Some of the children performing in The Wriggly Nativity
In January we had lots of snow! This was one day when we could come to school but there were 6 days when we had to close the school because it was so bad.
Winter 2010 at Berry Hill
Class 1 have been learning all about how to do safe activities in the Forest. It is called “Forest Schools Education.”
Class 2 have been doing some Science investigations outside. Then they came back into the classroom to carry on with their research.
Class 3 Percussion music lessons
Percussion lesson with Class 6
Class 2 have been learning how to play the Djembe drums with Ms Gardner
Mrs Walker and Mrs Baird run a Craft Club – the children are able to make all sorts of things from special cards to large scale models.
The Fire Fighters brought their Fire Engine to school. The childre were able to explore inside it and they heard all about the job of the Fire Fighters.
Class 2 Fire Fighters!!
Food Technology in Class 3
Physical Activity Skills
Healthy Eating Cookery Club
Drumming Club
Infant Model Making day
Juniors model making with Knex
KNEX Model Making
Class 6 went to the forest for a winter treat. They toasted marshmallows round a camp fire.
Class 3 visited Plump Hill and learnt about the creatures which live in the soil.
In March we had a whole school photograph taken. It took quite a long time to get everyone in place
Almost ready!
The Easter Experience at English Bicknor Church.
The children in Classes 3, 4 and 5 performed their own plays, dances and songs at the end of term.
Easter BonnetsInfants singing “We have a King who rides a donkey Violinist s Djembe Drumming group EASTER SERVICE 2010
Best Wishes from everyone at Berry Hill Primary School