VILAROB VILAROB Virtual Laboratory for Automation & Robotics PROJECT ISAR PROJECT ISAR e-Learning Program about A. & Robotics Web Based training course Target groups are: SME Managers SME Workers Teachers Students Technical Staff PROJECT MEETING II - POLEN TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF ISAR PROJECT OUTPUTS
VILAROB VILAROB Virtual Laboratory for Automation & Robotics PROJECT VILAROB PROJECT VILAROB Virtual Laboratory for Robotics & Automation Technical side of the training module is explicitly mentioned in proposal Target groups are: SME Managers Teachers Technical Staff PROJECT MEETING II - POLEN TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF ISAR PROJECT OUTPUTS
VILAROB VILAROB Virtual Laboratory for Automation & Robotics PROJECT MEETING II - POLEN TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF ISAR PROJECT OUTPUTS ISARVILAROB Transfer and Innovation TRANSFER: Adapting to the Turkish Market RequirementsINNOVATION: Implementing the Technical Side of the Project Adapting e-Learning Method to a face-to-Face Training Module
VILAROB VILAROB Virtual Laboratory for Automation & Robotics ISAR PROJECT ANALYSE-1 ISAR PROJECT ANALYSE-1 The composition of the lessons are well formed and includes basic information about A. & R. All lessons are not implemented The lessons have rather theoretical information Visual supports (picture and videos) are less than it is mentioned in the specifications ( %30 of overall information) Content is a very good candidate for handouts for the PROJECT MEETING II - POLEN TECHNICAL ANALYSE OF ISAR PROJECT OUTPUTS
VILAROB VILAROB Virtual Laboratory for Automation & Robotics ISAR PROJECT ANALYSE-2 ISAR PROJECT ANALYSE-2 Content is a very good candidate for handouts for the face-to-face course in VILAROB. Some additions may be necessary. Not implemented parts of the lessons Some other basic parts related to Turkey market Conversion of ISAR output to the handout is necessary PROJECT MEETING II - POLEN TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF ISAR PROJECT OUTPUTS
VILAROB VILAROB Virtual Laboratory for Automation & Robotics ISAR PROJECT ANALYSE-3 ISAR PROJECT ANALYSE-3 The lesson structure can be used with small technical additions as VILAROB basic structure Possible impact on the lesson structure: “Different requirement of Turkish Market. PROJECT MEETING II - POLEN TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF ISAR PROJECT OUTPUTS
VILAROB VILAROB Virtual Laboratory for Automation & Robotics IMPORTANT NOTICE Impact of the training program on different target groups: Managers? Students? Trainers? Technical staff? Other? Results of evaluation of ISAR project? PROJECT MEETING II - POLEN TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF ISAR PROJECT OUTPUTS
VILAROB VILAROB Virtual Laboratory for Automation & Robotics ROADMAP of VILAROB -1 Actual Status: WP 1: Management & Coordination Will be proceeded through out all project phases Deliverables will be sent to all partners till end of June 2009 WP 2: Analysis of ISAR Outputs : Deliverables of each Partner about analysis results: Will be submitted to the coordinator till end of June 2009 PROJECT MEETING II - POLEN TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF ISAR PROJECT OUTPUTS
VILAROB VILAROB Virtual Laboratory for Automation & Robotics ROADMAP of VILAROB -2 WP 3: Identification of Requirements Actual survey of ISAR has been applied to about 150 Participants. The evaluation of the survey results should be documented by Fatih U. Preparing the second step of survey w.r.t. context of VILAROB – Fatih U. / SA Consulting / PIAP Applying Surveys to the target groups ( about 30 participants from each group) / Fatih University PROJECT MEETING II - POLEN TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF ISAR PROJECT OUTPUTS
VILAROB VILAROB Virtual Laboratory for Automation & Robotics ROADMAP of VILAROB -3 WP 3: Identification of Requirements Results will be documented and delivered to the Partners Results of survey will be discussed in next meeting in Turkey (Important: Without Survey documentation, no need to make the third meeting) FATIH UNIVERSITY is responsible from the final documentation of the survey results SA Consulting and PIAP will prepare deliverables about the evaluation of survey result’s documentation PROJECT MEETING II - POLEN TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF ISAR PROJECT OUTPUTS
VILAROB VILAROB Virtual Laboratory for Automation & Robotics ROADMAP of VILAROB -4 WP 3: Identification of Requirements The Output and deadline of the WP 3 Evaluation paper of first step of survey FATIH U. 2. Survey: Second step, FATIH U. Evaluation paper of second step of survey FATIH U. SA Consulting, PIAP Deliverable of the second WP, Fatih U. PROJECT MEETING II - POLEN TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF ISAR PROJECT OUTPUTS
VILAROB VILAROB Virtual Laboratory for Automation & Robotics CONCLUSION Impact of the training program on different target groups: Managers? Students? Trainers? Technical staff? Other? Results of evaluation of ISAR project? PROJECT MEETING II - POLEN TECHNICAL ANALYSE OF ISAR PROJECT OUTPUTS