Costal / port cities and their innovative development of maritime territories: Perspectives for action and for the implementation of the Convention on.


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Presentation transcript:

Costal / port cities and their innovative development of maritime territories: Perspectives for action and for the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity Didier Babin Secretariat of the CBD

Costal / Port cities hold critical mandates for the CBD Costal / Port cities hold critical mandates for the CBD:  Land-use planning for coastal and estuarine environments – zoning and construction permits, business licensing and enforcement of regulations  Incentives for green (or blue) economy, partnerships with business, focus on biodiversity for development  Public procurement, technology and investment choices  Influence on coastal infrastructure design, development and operations (including shipping and transport operations)  Communication, education and public awareness campaigns

Living in harmony with nature Costal / Port cities hold critical mandates for the CBD Costal / Port cities hold critical mandates for the CBD:  Support and management of scientific institutions and environmental education facilities  Development of local biodiversity strategy/action plans in line with NBSAPs and Strategic Plan  Programmes of Work on Protected Areas, Marine and Coastal Biodiversity, Technology Transfer  Cartagena and Nagoya Protocols

Living in harmony with nature COP-11 guidance on the Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (decision XI/17, 18) Ecologically or biologically significant marine areas (EBSAs) beyond national jurisdiction:  To include list of areas meeting EBSA criteria in CBD repository and submit summary reports on EBSAs to UNGA  To organize additional workshops on the description of areas meeting EBSA criteria in the remaining world ocean areas;   Side event on results of EBSA regional workshops, data partnerships, EBSA training manual, future plans for EBSA regional workshops and capacity building. Voluntary guidelines for biodiversity in EIAs and SEAs in marine and coastal areas

Living in harmony with nature COP-11 guidance on the Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (decision XI/17, 18) ocean acidification expert review process Updating on coral bleaching specific work plan anthropogenic underwater noise (expert workshop to develop practical guidance and toolkits for minimizing and mitigating impacts) Marine debris (compilation of information, practical guidance on preventing and mitigating) Marine spatial planning through a web-based information-sharing mechanism, compilation of experiences, and expert workshop for application Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) - High-level Side Event 17 October 2012 provide a global platform to build partnerships and enhance capacity to achieve the Aichi Biodiversity Targets related to marine and coastal biodiversity in a holistic manner. Future SOI capacity-building workshop in West Africa (February 2013), SOI leadership meeting at IMPAC 3 (October 2013).