Proposals cooperation EU social partners hairdressing – EU/OSHA - Implementation EU framework agreement
Why OiRA? Webteaser to promote the agreement on our website (already done) Info about the agreement in our last OSH mail (already done) Make sure the agreement is mentioned in our Legislation section (along the one signed a few years ago by the social partners from the Hospitals and Health care sector - specific-and-worker-related-provisions/ ) (on process) specific-and-worker-related-provisions/
Why OiRA? Ask the Topic Centre to write down a case study / good practice about the Agreement. This document should illustrate the whole process: why the social partners decided to work on this agreement, who were the main actors involved and their role, main challenges overcome through the process, … This case-study should include a section in which the main risks of the sector are mentioned along the existing statistics/knowledge/information. The agreement is a good example of “working together for risk prevention” and it could be promoted under our campaign.
Why OiRA? Make sure the current developers of OiRA tools-hairdressing (Sweden, Czech Rep. and Belgium) take into account the agreement when developing the content. Invite the social partners to develop an EU OiRA tool for the sector. EU-OSHA is ready to help them, so we have to discuss the practicalities of this cooperation. Help to disseminate the EU framework agreement through the Agency Focal Points. For instance, we could invite you to out next Focal Points meetings and then you could present the agreement. Support/promote the “agreement” at “political” level
Thank you For further information contact: Lorenzo Munar by at