QualiProSecondHand Leonardo da Vinci II Amsterdam: RREUSE board meeting 4 February 2007
9 Participants University of Bremen – ITB – Germany (Leading partner) Die Umweltberatung - Austria RREUSE - Belgium Jordanka Andreeva – Smoljan - Bulgaria Tervatulli Ltd - Finland Center RS za poklicno izobraževanje – CPI Slovenia Coleg Morgannwg – United Kingdom Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft e.V. (BAG) - Germany Qualifizierungs-und ArbeitsförderungsgesellschaftDresden QAD - Germany
Objective Analysis of the second market sector in a few European countries with a view to investigate existing training material and if it is the case to eventually develop a training course to prefessionalise the second hand business throughout Europe
Activities Sector analysis in the countries participtaing in the project 5 case studies of selected enterprises working in second hand 2 detailed case studies chosen amongst the selected entities Mainstreaming activities: dissemination
Administration Period: 24 months - October 2006 September 2008 Budget: Total EUR Leonardo Grant: EUR
Methodology Country Analysis: collection of data and figures regarding principal actors of the second hand market in a given country. The survey should cover both for-profit and not-for-profit entities as well as internet and the informal market. Investigation on the existing training material Case studies: interviews at three level management, mid-management, workers to find out about training skills and requirements of each of them
Expected results Identification of the professional figures carrying out second hand business; Information on the needs of people involved in second hand activities with a view to develop a dedicated training tool for the different professional figures; Possible development of a follow-up project