ClusterPoliSEE Strategic Project Smarter Cluster Policies for South East Europe 3° Steering Committee Meeting WP6 Salonicco, 19th September 2013
ClusterPoliSEE Strategic Project - 3° SC Meeting Salonicco, 19 September 2013 WP 6 DESCRIPTION “FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF CLUSTER IN SEE AREA” AIMS: - to improve the framework conditions to support existing and emerging new clusters adapting them to the EU challenges; - to define a cluster specific action agenda to address the need of SEE clusters; - to strengthen the support for result-oriented transnational cooperation through development of new policy tools, proposing a SEE Cluster Initiative ACTIVITIES: Setting up of SEE Cluster Initiative SEE Foresight exercise Joint Strategy and Sustainability Plan FINAL RESULT: Clear vision and joint strategy for the future in cluster development for SEE area
ClusterPoliSEE Strategic Project - 3° SC Meeting Salonicco, 19 September 2013 WP 6 TIMEFRAME “FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF CLUSTER IN SEE AREA” WP6 TIMEFRAME 3/ / / / / / / / Setting up of SEE Cluster Initiative 6.2 SEE Foresight exercise 6.3 Joint Strategy and Sustainability Plan
ClusterPoliSEE Strategic Project - 3° SC Meeting Salonicco, 19 September 2013 WP 6.1 ACTIVITIES “Setting up of SEE Cluster Initiative” Starting From: WP4 and WP5 results partnership have to involve cluster policy maker and support bodies in order to set up a joint SEE Cluster Initiative. WP6 Leader will share a policies guidelines and draft agreement of cluster initiative policies on SEE area. -During the 4° TSC and SC it will discuss and adopt the guidelines and the draft agreement. -February 2014 – May 2014, partnership will involve policies maker and support bodies sharing the draft documents and collecting amendments. -5° TSC and SC discussion and adopting of the sharing draft agreement.
ClusterPoliSEE Strategic Project - 3° SC Meeting Salonicco, 19 September 2013 WP 6.2 ACTIVITIES “SEE Foresight exercise” Starting from WP4 and WP5 main findings and joint policies guideline, Foresight exercise (diagnosis report and Scenario building report) will be conducted for future development of policy cluster in SEE area in order to take in consideration new programming plan main phases: diagnosis phase with policy-makers and WGs to reflect on the situation of the current system (based on WP 4 main findings); phase of exploration to build scenarios of possible future evolutions of the cluster policies in SEE area with a wider participation of EU stakeholders; strategic orientation for policy-makers to discuss possible strategies on the basis of the exploration of the future carried out earlier; public consultation on the platform with relevant stakeholders to obtain consensus as large as possible.
ClusterPoliSEE Strategic Project - 3° SC Meeting Salonicco, 19 September 2013 WP 6.2 ACTIVITIES “SEE Foresight exercise” -During the 4° TSC and SC, WP Leader, on the result of WP4 and WP5, will present the guidelines for foresight exercises, -March 2014 – May 2014 starts the diagnosis phase the phase of exploration to build scenarios strategic and will be ask to the partnership regional cluster initiative forecast. -June 2014 – August 2014 starts the orientation for policy-makers. - During the 5° TSC and SC will be discuss and adopt the Foresigh exercises. PP2 is responsible of foresight exercise and drafts final report. PP 2 responsible for diagnosis phase PP 12 responsible for phase of exploration to build scenarios PP 3 responsible for phase of strategic orientation PP3 responsible for public consultation on the platform ERDF PP 2 responsible for coordination phase where the choices are transformed into recommendations for cluster policies.
ClusterPoliSEE Strategic Project - 3° SC Meeting Salonicco, 19 September 2013 WP 6.3 DESCRIPTION “Joint Strategy and Sustainability Plan” Timeframe: 01/05/ /10/2014 MAIN THEME: Joint Strategic policy plan, built on SEE foresight exercise (6.2) and based on most relevant results of WP 5 and in particularly on recommendations of European Cluster Cooperation Forum (5.4) spreading over five years (from 2015 to 2020) focused on six areas of project investigation and improvement action for re- orienting EU, national and regional policy level in the short and midterm, including the specification of the most suitable financial instruments. Sustainability plan is included in Joint strategic policy plan foreseeing actions to be implemented in the short, medium and long term. Joint strategic policy plan candidates as contribution to cohesion policy new implementation period and as experience in transnational development of policy learning understanding and mechanisms for objective - European Territorial Cooperation.
Veneto Region Industry and Crafts Department Fondamenta Santa Lucia – Cannaregio 23, Venezia Tel /15 - Fax Salonicco, 19 September 2013