Indicator fact sheets Why fact sheets are important?
Documentation and explanations How the indicator has been elaborated: Descriptive fact sheet (background for staff, end-users) How the indicator can be read: Assessment fact sheet (communication towards end- users) Harmonisation for better understanding
Descriptive fact sheet: A support for production & update Support to the process of production and update of indicators in your organisation and beyond: keep track of the production: how: data source, methodology, units when: first version, last update
Assessment fact sheet: A support for communication & exchange within one country, within one region and at international level: Support to elaborate a short message based on data and figures
Some of your remarks Instructions for creating map are not clear Instructions must be shorter and clearer
Some of your remarks Methodology for gap filling doesn’t exist yes, not relevant for PAs No national template for filling the factsheet Maybe an opportunity to have a national template
Some of your questions Forum link? Key figure (title name and link in forum) Data package for graph temp: difference between sheet drill down data, sheet drill down data information Sorry, these fields are for internal EEA technical specifities
Next steps We will report to EEA on: the selection of indicators; factsheets you have produced problems and successes
WinWin approach Improve EEA knowledge on national activities Factsheets, model to be included in your national toolbox for indicators