Wim VAN DE CAMP, MEP International Motorcyclists Conference Brussels, 29 june 2010
For the motorcyclist
Policy Makers What should policy makers do? Europe & The Netherlands Priorities and Perspectives Wim VAN DE CAMP, MEP
Europe & The Netherlands The car is used as a standard Governments blame the motorcyclist in a disproportionate way Awareness Lobbying Wim VAN DE CAMP, MEP
Priorities From car to motorcycle: both are important Balance: safety by motorcyclist, and safety for motorcyclist Ability to ride Creativity Wim VAN DE CAMP, MEP
Perspectives (1) Rules and understanding Policy makers should ride motorcycles themselves Bottom up instead of top down Keep it simple : not to many rules Wim VAN DE CAMP, MEP
Perspectives (2) Road design: keep it simple Single EU Regulation: keep it simple European Driving License Wim VAN DE CAMP, MEP
Examples Testing standards European Directive : exams for each categorie legal regulation to promote lane-splitting Wim VAN DE CAMP, MEP
Best practices In the Netherlands: Crash rails are tested with motorcycles Cable barriers are removed and no longer installed CN Committee and testing standards Still not an obligation / law It is an on going process Wim VAN DE CAMP, MEP
International Motorcyclists Conference Brussels, 29 june 2010