2 BELARUSIAN INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT CAPACITIES AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER POSSIBILITIES Dr Alexander A. Uspenskiy, Director, Republican Centre for Technology Transfer, Republic of Belarus International Conference “Eastlink: the Way to Knowledge Economy” (October 20-21, Klaipeda, Lithuania)
3 Innovation-based development is the preferred direction to increase the competitive ability of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus. Activation of the innovation activity, development in production of progressive national and foreign technologies is one of the main tasks of domestic policy of Belarus (Law of the Republic of Belarus dated No. 60-З “On approval of the main trends in the domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus”).
4 Carrying out a set of actions is the main requirement of transfer to the innovation-based development, the important place and role among which is given to organization of the technologies transfer system, i.e. creating conditions for promotion of knowledge-intensive, innovative products for domestic and foreign markets. One of the main factors of successful solution of the assigned tasks shall include permanent improvement of policy and legislation in the field of technologies transfer of the Republic of Belarus.
5 Science – the basis of innovations “Science and scientific operation” is the branch of Belarusian economy possessing the substantial potential, and is characterized by the stable growth dynamics of the works completed.
6 Scientific and technological potential of the Republic of Belarus There are 295 research and development, drawing and designing, and other organizations, engaged in research and development, including higher education establishments – 55. A number of employees involved in research and development amounts to 28.8 thousand people, among which 17.0 thousand people (59.3%) – research workers, 2.1 thousand people (7.2%) - engineers, 9.7 thousand people (33.5%) – other employees.
7 National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus is the leading research centre of the Republic of Belarus More than 16 thousand people work in the Academy and subordinate organizations, among which there are more than 2500 PhDs and Doctors of Sciences, 120 members-correspondents, 81 academicians, 2 honorary and 12 foreign members of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus.
8 A number of annually created advanced manufacturing technologies Total – 400 including: brand new – 10 new abroad – 30 new in the country – 360
9 One ruble spent in favor of science of the Republic of Belarus grants the shipped innovation products to the amount of approximately 13 rubles.
10 The following features of innovation infrastructure shall be effective in the Republic of Belarus: Hi-Tech Park (specialization – IT-industry and related branches); Technology parks – 10 organizations, positioning themselves as the technology parks, 3 of which have the correspondent status, assigned by the Committee for Science and Technology; Belarusian innovation fund; Business incubators (including those specialized in support of innovation enterprises) – 9; Centers for Technology Transfer (including the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer, 5 its regional offices and 26 branches in research organizations, higher education establishments and enterprises in Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Lida, Minsk, Mogilev, Novopolotsk, and in other cities of the republic – 32); Innovation centres – 5; Scientific and production (scientific practical) centres – 56; Information and marketing centres – 10.
11 The Republican Centre for Technology Transfer (RCTT) was founded in May 2003, under the aegis of the State Committee on Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus (SCST), the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
12 RCTT’s PRIMARY GOAL is to promote the co- operation between developers, users of high technologies and investors with the aim that existing knowledge, facilities, or capabilities developed under a government or a private research and development (R&D) funding are utilized to fulfill public and private needs.
13 TASKS SET FOR RCTT creating and maintaining information databases meant for serving clients in the technology transfer sector; providing RCTT’s clients with access to international databases on technology transfer, research and development; assisting innovation activity agents in development and promotion of their innovation and investment projects;
14 TASKS SET FOR RCTT instructing and training specialists in research- and innovation-related entrepreneurship; establishing RCTT’s offices across the country, with the aim to create a unified national network of technology transfer centres; establishing RCTT’s field offices all over the world, with the aim to assist and promote the international scientific and technical collaboration, and exchange of specialists.
15 RCTT’s structure RCTT is a consortium that includes: the headquarters in Minsk; 5 regional offices and 26 branch offices at research organizations, institutes, universities, enterprises in Brest, Vitsebsk, Homel, Hrodna, Lida, Minsk, Mahileu, Novapolatsk and other cities and towns across Belarus; 62 foreign partners in 20 countries: Armenia (2), Azerbaijan (1), China (15), Great Britain (2), Germany (4), India (1), Iran (1), Italy (1), the Republic of Korea (2), Poland (3), Kazakhstan (5), Russia (15), the USA (1), Sweden (1), the Republic of South Africa (1), Denmark (1), the Czech Republic (1), Ukraine (3), Moldova (1); 2 overseas field offices in China.
16 RCTT OFFERS ITS SERVICES TO innovation activity agents in Belarus, foreign companies and investors.
17 RCTT’s SERVICES RENDERED TO BELARUSIAN INNOVATION ACTIVITY AGENTS Search of technologies, professionals, business partners and investors in Belarus and abroad; assistance in establishing of joint ventures; Assistance in development of innovation and investment projects; placing the project-related information in the UNIDO, IRC and YET2.COM formats on RCTT’s e-portal, in the specialized databases, particularly in the UNIDO Exchange network system, Russian Technology Transfer Network (RTTN), European IRC network, yet2.com Inc. Network (USA), in foreign agencies, media and published editions;
18 RCTT’s SERVICES RENDERED TO BELARUSIAN INNOVATION ACTIVITY AGENTS Development of business plans; Carrying marketing research; Organizing RCTT clients’ participation in exhibitions, conferences, seminars and other events in the innovation activity domain; Organizing and delivering refresher, upgrading and advanced training courses, seminars and workshops for the personnel of research institutions, higher-education institutes and universities, SMEs.
19 RCTT’s SERVICES OFFERED TO FOREIGN COMPANIES AND INVESTORS Search of technologies, partners and appropriate specialists in Belarus; assistance in preliminary arrangements related to contracts; support of establishment of joint ventures in the country; Provision of information about projects initiated by Belarusian organizations; Carrying marketing research;
20 RCTT’s SERVICES OFFERED TO FOREIGN COMPANIES AND INVESTORS Posting information about projects being offered by RCTT’s foreign partners on the Web portal of RCTT; Placing information about proposed foreign partners’ projects on the Russian Technology Transfer Network (RTTN) and yet2.com Inc. Network, a technology transfer network of the USA; Organizing negotiations with Belarusian business partners; Preparing personal sojourn programs for people of business coming to Belarus.
21 RCTT’s cooperation with International Technology Transfer networks RCTT is a member of the following technology transfer networks: UNIDO Exchange Network (since 2003); Russian Technology Transfer Network (since 2004); yet2.com Network (USA; since 2005); The Business Across Borders Partnership Network (former Orchard Network, UK; since 2005); Knowledge Transfer Networks (former DTI Global Watch Service, UK; since 2006); International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information Network (since 2008).
22 Information resources of RCTT There has been created a Web portal of RCTT ( with the several subject sections and databases as follows: “National Database of Innovation and Investment Projects”; “Catalogue of Organizations of Belarus Engaged in Research and Development”; “Technology Foresight”; “Industry of the Republic of Belarus”;
23 Information resources of RCTT “Exhibition”; “Small and Medium-Sized Business in Belarus”; “Innovation Enterprises of Belarus” subdivided into the “Products”, “Technology Offers” and “Technology Requests” subsections; ”Proposals from Foreign Partners” comprising the subsections “Products”, “Technology Offers” and “Technology Requests”;
24 Information resources of RCTT “Databases of Science and Technologies in Belarus and Abroad”; “Free Economic Zones in the Republic of Belarus”; “Investment and Venture Funds”; “Legislation” covering the laws and regulations applicable to the innovation activity in Belarus and foreign countries; “Commercialization” - with the subsection “Model Contracts” (highlighting the most convenient model documents related to creation, use and trade of industrial property; and the subsection “Setting up Joint Ventures in Belarus”, etc.
25 Information resources of RCTT DOWNLOADABLE ELECTRONIC GUIDE BOOKS AND MANUALS OFFERED TO RCTT'S CLIENTELE: Manual Promotion of Commercialization Projects by Using the Network of the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer of the Republic of Belarus; Manual Promoting Commercialization Projects by Using the Technology Transfer Networks; Manual Expert Appraisal of Technology Commercialization Projects; Manual Funding of Commercialization Projects;
26 Information resources of RCTT DOWNLOADABLE ELECTRONIC GUIDE BOOKS AND MANUALS OFFERED TO RCTT'S CLIENTELE: Manual Legal Protection of Computer Software and Databases; Manual Technology Foresight Survey. Why Would Belarus Need It?;
27 Information resources of RCTT DOWNLOADABLE ELECTRONIC GUIDE BOOKS AND MANUALS OFFERED TO RCTT'S CLIENTELE: Manual for specialists engaged in technology transfer Preparing Investment Projects in the UNIDO Format Prior to Submission to RCTT; Manual for specialists engaged in technology transfer Preparing Innovation Projects in the UNIDO Format Prior to Submission to RCTT; Operator's guide and manual on the technique of filling in the electronic forms on investment and innovation projects in the UNIDO format, prior to their submission to RCTT;
28 Information resources of RCTT DOWNLOADABLE ELECTRONIC GUIDE BOOKS AND MANUALS OFFERED TO RCTT'S CLIENTELE: Manuals for preparing innovation projects in the format set by the IRC Network; Manuals for preparing innovation projects in the format set by the yet2.com Inc. Network (USA); Standards to be met by images being submitted for RCTT's cyber exhibition, the “Products” subsection, etc.
29 RCTT’s ACHIEVEMENTS RCTT has covenanted for technology transfer services with more than 200 Belarusian state-owned organizations, private enterprises and individuals. The National Academy of Sciences, Belarusian State University, Belarusian National Technical University are among the Centre’s clients.
30 RCTT’s ACHIEVEMENTS Owing to the support rendered by RCTT, more than 2200 Belarusian specialists have been trained and instructed in various fields of technology transfer at 138 local and international workshops, seminars and exhibitions in Austria, Germany, India, China, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Czech and other countries.
31 RCTT’s ACHIEVEMENTS With the promotion and support from RCTT, novel products have been commercialized and put to mass production at the following enterprises in Belarus: Spetsmazki (Minsk) – production of plastic lubricant compounds for heavy-duty conditions; No.2566 Radio Electronic Arms Repair Works (Borisov) – Gas Generation Burners of up to 100 KW capacity; Tekhnoton Joint Venture (Belarus-Russia; Minsk) – production of fuel flow transducers for vehicles with diesel motors.
32 RCTT’s ACHIEVEMENTS In 2005 – 2006, with the promotion and support from RCTT, the Research Institute of Heat and Mass Exchange of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus signed collaboration agreements with the Pacetronic Corporation (USA), Svedab (Sweden), P&P-Bridge Limited (New Zealand). According to the provisions of the agreements, these foreign companies are entitled as exclusive salesmen for worn tyre recycling plants in – respectively - the USA and Canada; Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark; across the New Zealand, Australia and Oceania, Indonesia and Malaysia.
33 RCTT’s ACHIEVEMENTS In 2010 with the promotion and support from RCTT the Belarusian Institute of Experimental Botany signed a license agreement for transfer of the production technology of TRIONA ® Ion-Exchanging Substrate to the Chinese partner. Besides, the parties approved their collaboration plan for 2010 – TRIONA ® Ion-Exchanging Substrate
34 RCTT’s ACHIEVEMENTS At present RCTT’s clients get assistance in foundation of two Belarusian-Chinese joint ventures, in preliminary arrangements for licensing of Belarusian technologies with companies from Kazakhstan, Korea, China, and the USA.
35 RCTT’s ACHIEVEMENTS RCTT has been involved in the following international projects: "Development of Infrastructure of Support of Innovation Activity in the Republic of Belarus" ( ). Financed by the Government of the Republic of Belarus, UNDP and UNIDO, Creation International Innovation Centre of East ( ). Financed by EU, “The International Innovation Centre of East, A Platform for Scientific and Economic Cooperation, New Technologies and Expert Support of Podlasie Region” (2006 – 2008). Financed by EU,
36 RCTT’s ACHIEVEMENTS RCTT has been involved in the following international projects: “Strengthening the National System for Technology Transfer in the Republic of Belarus on the Basis of Information and Communication Technologies” (2006 – 2009). Financed by the Government of the Republic of Belarus, UNDP and UNIDO, “Information Technologies to Open Knowledge for Eastern Europe and Central Asia”“Information Technologies to Open Knowledge for Eastern Europe and Central Asia” (planned for 2009 – 2011). Financed by EU in the framework of FP7,
37 RCTT’s ACHIEVEMENTS RCTT has been involved in the following international projects: “UNIDO Regional Project for Eurasian Economic Community”“UNIDO Regional Project for Eurasian Economic Community” (planned for 2010 – 2012). Financed by UNIDO and the Government of the Russian Federation, “”“COOL Bricks” (planned for 2011 – 2013). Financed by EU in the framework of Baltic Sea Region Programme
38 Rules of best practice for technology transfer 1. Rendering of services to the client (Customer) only after: conclusion of the contract for rendering respective services,conclusion of the contract for rendering respective services, checking the client’s rights for R&D deliverables, checking that R&D deliverables transferred by the client are not limited to export, and execution of licenses for export, don’t fall within the list of technologies and dual application products, are not limited to distribution of information in other countries and don’t contain any data comprising state secret;
39 Rules of best practice for technology transfer 2. Preparation of technologic requests/propositions according to the 2. Preparation of technologic requests/propositions according to the Manual Promotion of Commercialization Projects by Using the Network of the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer of the Republic of Belarus;
40 Rules of best practice for technology transfer 3. Systematic search for organizations and firms, which can be interested in cooperation with the Customer by means of : Placement of technological requests/propositions of the Customer in technology transfer networks, national and foreign information agencies and publications, Representation of the Customer’s materials at the exhibitions, seminars, cooperation stock markets and other global events;
41 Rules of best practice for technology transfer 4. Preparation and holding meetings and negotiations of the Customer with the educed potential partners, participation and conclusion of any contracts and agreements.
42 Rules on what not to do for technology transfer 1. Not to render services to the client (Customer) without: conclusion of the contract for rendering respective services,conclusion of the contract for rendering respective services, checking the client’s rights for R&D deliverables, checking that R&D deliverables transferred by the client are not limited to export, and execution of licenses for export, don’t fall within the list of technologies and dual application products, are not limited to distribution of information in other countries and don’t contain any data comprising state secret;
43 Rules on what not to do for technology transfer 2. To apply the term “income” while royalty distribution instead of the term “profit”.
44 Innovative technologies that could be interesting for transfer/commercial development with Lithuania and Europe ESTABLISHMENT OF PRODUCTION OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE MULTIPURPOSE PLASTIC LUBRICANTS MANUFACTURE OF BILLETS OF ANTIFRICTIONAL SILUMIN
46 THANK YOU! Dr Alexander A. Uspenskiy Director Republican Centre for Technology Transfer , Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk , Belarus Tel.: Fax: