Regional development and energy agencies supporting muniCIpaliTY_SEC to jointly become active energy actors in Europe Acronym: City_SEC Contract number: EIE/09/891/SI Duration: from May 2010 to October 2012 (30 months) Date of creation of the slides: 31 May 2010
OBJECTIVE: to boost the number of Sustainable Energy Communities and raise their awareness concerning energy balance and reduction of the local carbon footprint significantly and demonstrably, achieving self-sufficiency, beyond EU energy policy targets; CONSORTIUM: 8 partners, mainly Regional Development Agencies and Regional Energy Agencies that support and assist the Municipalities involved in each region to jointly become active energy actors in Europe;
PROBLEMS, ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES ADDRESSED: City_SEC addresses the common problems and obstacles stressed by the same policy makers of the Municipalities involved: - Lack of information and knowledge on social and economic benefits of rationale use of energy - Difficulties to adopt efficient and decisive energy savings measures - Lack of high and well-developed technical skills and knowledge on the energetic issue - General delay in the spread of renewable energy sources use and decentralization of energy supply. In City_SEC project, RDAs and Regional Energy Agencies play a central role to foster a wide a acceptance and application of sustainable energy criteria by local policy-makers The City_SEC project answers to these problems through a coordination at local level, between the partners and the local policy makers, and at international level between the partners involved, through the sharing of experiences and knowledge in the energy issues.
MAIN OBJECTIVES and ACTIVITIES: To support local communities involved to develop actions to go beyond the objectives stated in the in EU Climate and Energy Strategy and reach the energy self-efficiency in the less aware European Countries through: Sustainable Energy Communities setting up and 6 City_SEC Strategic Paper signature Local Working Sessions organization for the definition of SEAP Drafting of SEAP for each Municipality and formal acceptance by Municipalities Mayors Drafting of n.1 RDA Policy Recommendation Paper To support municipalities to take part in the Covenant of Mayors initiative sharing and analysing the same energetic needs through: Drafting of Energy Baseline assessment for each Municipality involved Joint adhesion of 44 Municipalities to the CoM To build capacity of municipalities policy makers and civil society on sustainable energy issues through: Four training sessions organized at local level One International Study Visit to Sweden Local study visits in all the countries involved To raise awareness on sustainable energy issues and widely spread project results towards City_SEC members, RDAs network, civil society and local key actors through: Promotion and Communication activities (project brochure, website, publications) Photo competition Zero Emission Days Final Local Event
EXPECTED OUTPUTS AND RESULTS: 6 City_SEC Strategic Paper signed Joint adhesion of 44 involved Municipalities to the CoM and drafting of respective Sustainable Energy Action Plans and 44 Energy Baseline Assessment for Municipalities; 1 international study visit to Sweden, 6 local study tours and 4 working sessions in each SEC Increased knowledge and technical skills and raising awareness of Municipalities policy makers through study visit and training sessions; 1 recommendation document regarding potentials for RDA’s to get involved in the Covenant of Mayors initiative; 2 Zero Emission Days organized in each SEC.
Set up the SEC in order to: To foster raising awareness in Municipalities acting as multiplier in neighbor areas. support Municipalities to take part jointly in Covenant of Mayors sharing and analyzing the same energetic needs increase knowledge and to qualify competencies of City_SEC members, in particular of policy makers and civil society on sustainable energy issues through training and information activities. inducing a change related to energy behavior in the communities involved in the project and achieving EU targets in sustainable energy use in public sector, industry and households consumption.
COORDINATOR: Sviluppo Marche SpA – Territory Development, Energy and Environment Area (IT) Lucia Catalani Via Martiri della Resistenza, Ancona CO-BENEFICIARIES: Politechnical University of Marche Region (IT) Istrian Development Agency Ltd (HR) Regional Energy Agency of Central Macedonia (GR) Regional Development Agency Bielsko Biala (PL) Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden (SE) Regional Development Agency of North Hungary (HU) Municipality of Turin (IT)
Ferdinando Di Maggio Via Martiri della Resistenza, Ancona