Calls for proposals Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) Challenge Social Innovation Vienna, 21 September 2011 Domenico ROSSETTI European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
2 EU research and innovation Turning the eyes Most of the efforts these last 30 years in R&D were directly linked to industrial policies. In Europe: In the eighties, the eyes were turned towards Japan: technology push (cf. “Framework Programme”) In 2000, the eyes were turned towards USA: competitiveness push (cf. Lisbon Strategy) Today: importance of information technologies, sustainability, social innovation and demand-pull measures – Europe 2020 strategy
3 European research and innovation A key EU policy Research and Innovation: Third EU policy in budgetary terms (after CAP and Structural funds including more and more RTD&I) FP7: Major instrument for intensification of EU research collaboration Research and Innovation as a major instrument to recover the crisis effects
4 Role of research and innovation (“3% GDP target”) Source: EU DEMETER project using the NEMESIS model (P. Zagamé)
5 Towards Horizon 2020 Lund Declaration (2009): Focus on the EU Grand challenges Innovation Union (2010): Research and innovation are placed at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy Green Paper Towards a CSF for EU Research and Innovation funding (2011) - major changes to: Make participation easier Increase scientific and economic impact Provide better value for money
7 Horizon 2020 Multiannual financial framework (2011) – « A Budget for Europe 2020 » Three areas for R&I Excellence in the science base Tackling societal challenges Industrial leadership and competitiveness
8 Consultation on the Challenge Inclusive, innovative and secure societies In addition to the results of the CSF consultation: A workshop with the stakeholders on 27 June 2011 A workshop with the Member States and Associates States on 13 July 2011 Slides and synthetic report of the workshops available at: en.cfm
9 EU research in SSH: Objectives Knowing: Data, statistics, indicators Explaining: Tools, definitions, methods Understanding: Context, causes, mechanisms Forward looking: Modelling, foresight, scenario Recommending: From knowledge to policy
10 EU research in in SSH: Facts and opportunities The biggest world R&D programme in SSH (€ 600 M in FP7): Problem-oriented and policy-relevant. Almost 350 projects and 3000 research organisations involved between 2002 and 2010 The European Research Council (ERC) for the best individuals in SSH The Marie Curie for the mobility of SSH researchers Some opportunities in the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme and in the Structural Funds
11 SSH - What we expect? ● High scientific quality (excellence) ● EU added value (dimension, coverage, comparison) ● Different socio-economic and humanity disciplines ● Quantitative and qualitative methods ● Support to EU policies ● Stock-taking (past research)
12 Stock-taking
13 SSH - What we expect? ● Forward looking (foresight and forecast) ● International cooperation (globalisation of R&D and innovation) ● Exploitation of results (science, policy, social partners, CSO) ● Critical mass of actors (stakeholders) ● Professional management ● Ethics and gender aspects
14 Forward-looking
15 EU research in SSH: Activities Seven Activities: Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective Major trends in society and their implications Europe in the world The citizen in the EU Socio-economic and scientific indicators Foresight
16 Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) New calls for proposals published on 20 July 2011: FP7-SSH (large-scale projects > 5.5 M€) FP7-SSH (small-medium projects < 2.5 M€) (CSA < 1.5 M€, CSA < 1 M€) Deadline: 2 February 2012 at 17:00 (Brussels time) FP7-ERANET-2012-RTD (2 M€) - Deadline: 28/2/ Calls for Proposals
17 Education systems in the 21 st century (Activity 1) Governance of cohesion and diversity in urban contexts (Activity 2) Making longevity an asset for economic and social development (Activity 3) Families in transitions (Activity 3) Human rights in the EU external relations and internal policies (Activity 4) Exercising EU citizenship: removing barriers (Activity 5) Large scale integrated projects Challenges
18 Topics - Activity 1 Small-medium projects Unveiling creativity for innovation in Europe Smart specialisation for regional innovation The future of macro-economic and monetary integration in Europe Innovative policies for employment and labour markets Coordinating Actions Coordinating research agendas on economic policy Mobilising institutional reforms in R&I systems
19 Social innovation against inequalities Social innovation for vulnerable populations (ICPC) European energy security, including its economic dimension New types of offence in a globalised world: the case of environmental crime Supporting Action Climate change uncertainties: policymaking for the Pacific front Topics - Activity 2 Small-medium projects
20 Topics - Activity 3 Small-medium projects Understanding disabilities in evolving societies Social innovation in the public sector ERA-Net (FP7-ERANET-2012-RTD) Drug demand and supply reduction (€ 2 M)
21 Towards an Atlantic area?(ICPC) National and regional integration in South East Asia (ICPC) Social changes and political transformations in the Arab world (ICPC) Topics - Activity 4 Small-medium projects
22 ● Dealing with diversity and cohesion: the case of the Roma in the European Union ● Enlargement and the integration capacity of the EU: past experience and future prospects Topics - Activity 5 Small-medium projects
23 Mapping data opportunities for economic and social research and policy Topic - Activity 6 Supporting Action Topic - Activity 7 Small-medium project Forward looking tools and methods for answering major societal challenges
24 The future of Social Sciences and Humanities in the context of the ERA Supporting Action Mobilising the network of NCP in SSH Topic - Activity 8 Small-medium project
25 Evaluation criteria and threshold (min. 10/15) S&T quality (min. 3/5) Implementation (min. 3/5) Impact (min. 3/5) Evaluation by “peer review” (at least 3 experts for topics and CSAs, at least 5 experts for large projects) Evaluation
26 Full Proposal Proposal forms Evaluators Eligibility Evaluators Final ranking list PanelSubmissionConsensus Individual reading Proposals in suggested priority order Rejection list Finalisation Criteria COMMISSION Role of experts Evaluation
27 Proposal X copy 1 Proposal X copy 2 Proposal X copy 3 IER expert 1 IER expert 2 IER expert 3 Consensus meeting CR At least 3/5 experts IER=Individual evaluation report CR=Consensus Report May be “remote” For each proposal
28 Look at previous successful EU projects Think and act as a “Coordinator” or a “Partner” Take the necessary time for drafting the proposal / WP and establish the right consortium Ask the opinion of your colleagues (peer- review) Respect the deadline (2/2/2012 at 17:00) Be in touch with your NCP Some advices
29 More information