THE FOUNTAIN OF MASCHERONE This fountain is unique and a little bit scary: it‘s in the shape of a grotesque face. The fontana del mascherone is an unusual fountain in Via Giulia, near the Farnese Arch. The large and almost scary mask dribbles water from its mouth which runs into a shell - shaped basin, then into a large pool. The fountain is topped with a symbol used by the Farnese family. It 's an interesting fountain worth a quick walk if you are visiting piazza Farnese. The author was Girolamo Rinaldi.
THE FOUNTAIN OF THE BEES The sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini, also an architect and a painter, was born in Naples in 1598 and died in Rome in Pope Urbano VIII Barberini asked Bernini to build the fountain to the purpose of gathering the water exceeding the Fontana del Tritone (Fountain of the Tritone) and for the watering of the animals. The shape of the fountain is of an opened shell and water spills out from three bees sculpted on the base. It was designed and built in In 1865 the fountain was moved from its original site to where it lays today, precisely at one of the corners of Piazza Barberini. According to the scholars, the bees have a religious meaning: a man ’ s soul during his life on Earth. The water is assumed to be honey spilled by the bees. The spurts are compared to the humming of the bees. The bees are also the heraldic image of Pope Urbano VIII ’ s Family (Barberini).
FOUR RIVERS FOUNTAIN The Fontana Dei Quattro Fiumi is in the center of Piazza Navona. It was realized in 1651 by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. It ’ s the representation of the main rivers of the four continents known at those times: Rio De La Plata (South America), Nile (Africa), Ganges (Asia) and the Danube (Europe). The NILE covers his face with a veil because at those times its source wasn ’ t known yet and so as not to see the church of Saint Agnese In Agone. The RIO DELLA PLATA seems to raise its hand to defend itself from a possible collapse of the church and of the statue of Saint Agnese on the facade of the church. The GANGES carries a long oar, representing the navigability. The DANUBE represents the plains of Europe.
THE FOUNTAIN OF THE BABOON The fountain of the Baboon was made by an unknown artist. The name was given by the Roman people for its ugliness. The fountain was built around 1576 in Via del Babuino and it is located next to the church of “Sant'Atanasio dei Greci”. The work is represented by a quadrangular bathtub decorated with two dolphins, symbol of the family of Pope Gregorio XIII. On the top of the tub there is a statue of Silenus: a minor figure of Greek mythology. The colors used are grey and white that express clarity and simplicity. The statue, particularly ugly, has been the object of mockery by the Romans, who have nicknamed it “the Baboon.” The work was commissioned by a nobleman Alessandro Grandi, to thank the Pope Pio V, who in 1571 had granted him to use the water of the new Vergine Aqueduct. The fountain is decorated with a sculpture of a satyr,who in mythology was linked to water; it was one of the six talking statues of Rome who had the task of talking with fierce anonymous messages addressed to the Pope and to the politicians of the time.
TRITON FOUNTAIN The Triton Fountain is situated in Piazza Barberini in Rome. It is a work by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and was ordered by Pope Urban VIII Barberini. It was built in a deserted area that was part of a property of the Barberini family. The fountain was built between 1642 and 1643, exploiting the close of the Acqua Felice aqueduct. The fountain is very famous and visited by many tourists, in fact there is a copy of it in Nuremberg, Germany.
It is built entirely in travertine and is a Triton - mythological figure linked to water - kneeling on a large bivalve shell while blowing into another shell, from which the water flows. The shell rests on four dolphins at the center of a low bath. According to mythology, Triton blows into a shell to agitate the waves and cause a storm. However, according to some art critics, the sound was used to call a nymph. It was also known as the "fountain of the Triton sounding" because of the sound that was once issued by the jet. The fountain has been subjected to various conservations and restorations. After the restoration of 1932 the fountain appeared so different, that people claimed that it had been replaced with a copy. The most recent restoration was completed in November 2013.
FOUNTAIN OF THE NAIADI Built in 1888 following the designs of Alessandro Guerrieri who placed four chalk lions around the large circular basin. These were then replaced in 1901 by four bronze groups by the sculptor Mario Rutelli which represented the lake nymph with the swam, the river nymph riding a river monster, the ocean nymph, known as OCEAN, on a wild horse which symbolizes the breakers, and the Underwater nymph, lying on the back of a dragon.
THE FOUR FOUNTAINS Four Fountains street owes its name to the presence, at the intersection of Via Pia (now Via XX Settembre ) and the Via Felice (now Via Quattro Fontane ), to the four corners of Quattro Fontane. From the intersection you can see, in the distance, the obelisks of Santa Maria Maggiore (east), Trinita dei Monti (west) and the Quirinale (south), and the internal facade of Porta Pia ( to the north). The four works in travertine were made between 1588 and The subjects are grouped in pairs: there are two bearded male figures, allegories of the Tiber and Arno, who face two female respectively, representing Diana and Juno. The first two symbolize Rome and Florence, while those of Diana and Juno, respectively, are a symbol of Fidelity and Fortress.
These four fountains were created by the will of Sixtus V, who following the creation of either Fountain of Moses and that front of the palace of the Quirinal, he wished that the intersection between the two major arteries of Rome was embellished. Projects were presented to the Pope for four sacred statues, but the pope preferred a fountain. The project of which remained of unknown author, instead of a single fountain it had four, one at each corner of the intersection. Perhaps, the designer of the fountains of the Tiber, of the Arno and of the Juno was Domenico Fontana, who had designed the road. The fourth, in which Diana has her back to the north, is attributed to Pietro da Cortona. The achievements have been entrusted to unknown sculptors.
F ROGS ‘ FOUNTAIN Frogs’ fountain is located in Piazza Mincio in the middle of Coppedè Quarter. The fountain has been planned and realized by architect Gino Coppedé in 1924 in baroque style. It is composed of a circular base with a circular basin placed on it. In the basin it is placed a stone four- lobed platform. On each lobe there are two human figures that support, back to back, a shell formed basin; the water in the shell comes out from their mouths. This water arrives from the mouths of stone frogs put on the shell. In the middle of the fountain there is a raised circular basin where eight small frogs are placed on. This basin is fed by the water that comes out of the mouths of the frogs and a central jet. At last, between the legs of the human figures there is another bigger basin.
THE FOUNTAIN OF BARCACCIA It is situated in Rome, and includes the church of Trinità Dei Monti, the staircase and the fountain. It was built by Pietro and Lorenzo Bernini, from 1627 to 1629.
About it there are some legends. The real legend says that ‘Barcaccia’ was a boat carrying barrels. The fountain was popular and it wasn’t religious.
MOOR FOUNTAIN Moor Fountain is a fountain located at the southern end of Piazza Navona in Rome. It represents a Moor, or African standing in a conch shell, wrestling with a dolphin, surrounded by four Tritons. It is placed in a basin of pink-colored marble. The fountain was originally designed by Giacomo della Porta in 1575 with the dolphin and four Tritons. In 1653, the statue of the Moor, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, was added. In 1874, during a restoration of the fountain, the original statues were moved to Galleria Borghese and replaced with copies. In September 2011, the fountain was damaged after a vandal attacked it with a hammer. The vandal also damaged the Trevi Fountain t hat night.
ACQUA FELICE FOUNTAIN The artwork is called ''Fontana dell'Acqua Felice' or ''Fontana di Mosè''. It was built in 1585 until 1589 by Domenico Fontana and then continued by Giovanni Fontana. The materials used to make this artwork were travertine,marbles and plaster. The artwork represents three big recesses divided into three column swhich have as base four lions crouched who are throwing water from their mouths. The relief of the left recess represents Aronne who guides the jew people to quench their thirst. While the relief on the right side portrays Giosuè who made the jews across the dry Giordano. On the central recess,there is a massive statue in travertine which portrays Mosè, begun by Prospero Antichi and finished by Leonardo Sormani. Mosè lays forward his right hand pointing at the waters miraculously rised by the rock to quench the thirst of the people of Israel.
TREVI’S FOUNTAIN Made by Nicola Salvi in 1732, who won a contest organized by the Pope Clemente XII in In 1751 Salvi died and the fountain was finished by Pietro Bracci. The fountain is dedicated to sea there is a large rectangular pool, with rounded corners, closed by pedestrian crossing. The scenography is dominated by a rocky cliff. In the centre there is a Statue, of the Ocean in a cavity between two pillars, driving a chariot in the shape of a shell driven by two winged horses. In the highest part of the fountain we can find the coat of arms of the Pope and also the statues of the four seasons. The tradition says that if you throw a coin while turning your back to the fountain a desire that you have express will be realized
FOUNTAINS OF FARNESE SQUARE Architect: Girolamo Rainaldi Location Year : 1466 Materials: white marble ; Egyptian granites ; travertine Customer: Farnese Family Water: Paola Acqueduct The origins of the two fountains are not sure; it is hypothesized, they derive from “Terme di Caracalla”. The two basins were not located in the same period but about forty years one from the other. The two basins have an identical pattern, but one is larger than the other. In 1621 the basins were adapted as fountains thanks to a donation of Paola Water given to the Farnese by Gregorio XV.