Introduction of an Intraday market on the Italian borders for the year 2011 Terna proposal Electricity Regional Initiative – CSE Region 15th Implementation Group meeting Milan, 29/09/2010
2 As stated in the last Italian Energy reform a National Intraday Market (ID Market) will go live on 1 January The proposal for the new National Intraday Market has been put in consultation at the beginning of September The features of the ID Market, that are in line with the Italian market design, are as follows: Implicit auction Market splitting with a zonal structure Hourly products The ID market will be based* on 2 sessions in the day D – in each session the tradable hours correspond to 3/4 hours after the gate closure ‘till the end of the day * The timetable of the market is still under discussion Internal Intraday Market in Italy
3 Proposal for the allocation of the XBID capacity on the Italian Borders RequirementsMain Rules To be compliant with the EC regulation A market based mechanism Feasible as soon as possible (year 2011) Transitory solution. Is not an obstacle for future developments of the market that are in line with the AHAG target model. Transitory solution. Is not an obstacle for future developments of the market that are in line with the AHAG target model. ATC defined jointly per each border Explicit auctions single run on all Italian borders on both directions. Explicit auctions single run on all Italian borders on both directions. The tradable hours will be the same of the Italian ID market Usage of capacity similar to daily PTRs assigned on D-1. A to A nomination Usage of capacity similar to daily PTRs assigned on D-1. A to A nomination
4 Proposal for the allocation of the XBID capacity on the Italian Borders – Potential timetable
5 Market rules XBID Capacity rules similar to the one we have today (ARs) The existing IT tool can be used to perform XB Intraday auctions XB Intraday Capacity calculation A procedure agreed among TSOs to define XB Capacity to allocate on intraday is needed UIOLI principle for daily PTRs assigned on D-1 ATC for XBID Capacity smaller at the beginning Usage of XB Intraday Capacity A to A nomination XB Intraday Market on Italian Borders – further details