Gregor Hagedorn (JKI, Plazi, & Museum für Naturkunde) Berlin Biowikifarm pro-iBiosphere is funded under the European Union's 7th Framework Programme (FP7/ ) under grant agreement №
Biowikifarm Bio + Wiki + Farm = MediaWiki content management software (as in Wikipedias, Wikisource, etc.): Longest term sustainability.
Biowikifarm Bio + Wiki + Farm = MediaWiki content management software (as in Wikipedias, Wikisource, etc.). „Longest term“ sustainability. = Many installations under shared management. Efficiency Gain. (ViBRANT Scratchpads = pre-configured Drupal Farm)
= equivalent of “Scratchpads” for Wikis
Distributed Responsibilities FP7 project Responsible for new developments on biowikifarm. Hosting + Long term technical service sustainability Long term museum-IT resources available Long term legal and management responsibility
biowikifarm Users In total about: 22 active community wikis 2 shared media repositories 3 meta- and shared test-wikis, 8 dormant (containing valuable content) 9 wikis with dubious future
biowikifarm Examples: Species ID
biowikifarm Examples: OpenMedia
biowikifarm Examples: Open Nature Guides
biowikifarm Examples: GBIF/TDWG Terms
biowikifarm Examples: ISPI Pest Information
biowikifarm Examples: Filtered Push
biowikifarm Examples: Key to Nature
biowikifarm Examples: Lichen Glossary
biowikifarm Examples: Flora Malesiana
biowikifarm Examples:
biowikifarm Examples: pro-iBiosphere
New biowikifarm participants are welcome! Participate in shared long-term maintenance In-kind contributions welcome (no other cost)
New biowikifarm participants are welcome! Participate in shared long-term maintenance In-kind contributions welcome (no other cost) Where appropriate? Having more contributors than programmers When a community is interested in shaping the features of the platform themselves Middle path between structured and unstructured Simple Word-like text plus XML-like markup possible Automatic Android identification available
Cost of selling data
(some thoughts)
Cost of selling data Strictly: Data are not copyrighted and must be kept secret If they are directly viewable, people can legally copy and re-use them. Encrypted data → No feedback. Lack of reach, being cited and acknowledged. Option: ask everyone to sign an agreement Option: mix creative content with data while making it expensive to separate the parts
Cost of selling data Relaxed: Licensing cost. Marginal publishing cost: 0 EUR. Marginal individual licensing/sales cost: ~ 200 EUR. Others have high incentives to re-do your work in a way that you cannot reciprocate from. Trust problems in collaboration, negotiation overhead with partners Especially large collaborations are difficult (distributing income justly!)